An Unpleasant Moment

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7 years later, Caitlyn turned 13. Amanda was still nowhere to be found. Caitlyn forgot she even had a mother. One morning, Aaron woke up still feeling a bit worried about Amanda. "Good morning, Dad." said Caitlyn. Aaron sighed. "Good morning, Caitlyn..." he said. "Are you okay?" Caitlyn asked. "Yes, I'm fine." Aaron replied. "I was thinking that after breakfast, we should go on a morning walk around the neighborhood." said Caitlyn. "Ooh, that's a great idea!" replied Aaron. So they both at their breakfast and started their morning walk. During that moment, Aaron started forgetting his worries and couldn't help but smile. Caitlyn smiled as well. Just then, they reached the park, so Aaron let Caitlyn play for a bit. Suddenly, he saw a familiar woman with some man walking a beagle dog. They walked up to him. Aaron was shocked! That familiar woman turned out to be...Amanda! Aaron gasped while looking at Amanda with that other man. "A-Amanda...?" Aaron said nervously. "Oh! Hello, Aaron!" Amanda replied. "Who is this man?" asked Aaron. "This is my husband, Nathan. Nathan, this is my old friend, Aaron." Amanda answered. "Hiya, Aaron! Nice to meet you!" said Nathan. "Nice to meet you too, Nathan..." Aaron said sarcastically. "Oh, and this is our dog, Milo. I'm gonna go play with him here in the park, so I'll be right back." said Nathan. Nathan and Milo walked into the park to play, while Amanda and Aaron had a bit of an argument. "So...all these years, you cheated on me?!" Aaron said furiously. "Well, at least Nathan is handsomer than you!" replied Amanda. "So, you cheated on me because you don't think I'm handsome anymore?! Wow, just fucking wow." said Aaron. Amanda rolled her eyes. "I think you're just jealous because you're not as hot as Nathan and you never will be anymore." she said. "I'm not jealous, you cheated on me 7 years ago!" replied Aaron.

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