reputation || headcanon

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anonymous asked: hi! can you write marco and jean (separately) with an s/o that was known in their year to be promiscuous & provocative, who likes to tease them to hell and have a good time and keep morale high for the sake of others, but has a serious and thoughtful/sweet side? tysm!


marco bodt

he gets really flustered by your promiscuous side, and often he just laughs awkwardly and tells you to stop in a teasing tone. in private though he may take it a bit more seriously, though he'd still be quite flustered and definitely can't stop the red blush creeping up his neck as you tease him and push the boundaries.

he absolutely loves that you're like-minded in your desire to make sure morale is high and everyone is motivated to do whatever they want. he knows that if he's struggling to keep his morale and motivation high then you'll put him in good spirits in an instant.

he's thankful that you're realistic though and that you can be serious. he knows that in intense situations he can rely on you to be level-headed and strategic about the situation.

loves your sweet side too and can't help but love you up when you're being affectionate and sweet.

jean kirschtein

he gets really flustered by your promiscuous side and often doesn't really know how to react when you start touching his abs and feeling his muscles. he tries to flirt back, but it just comes out really awkwardly and it's really cute - everyone teases him about it though. in private he's no better, he's just as awkward and flustered.

sometimes he finds your enthusiasm and high morale kind of annoying, particularly after a grueling training exercise that absolutely left his exhausted. sometimes it's encouraging, but most of the time he just grumbles at you.

thankful you can be serious though and he works really well with your serious side - he'd definitely get sick of you if you were always happy-go-lucky.

your sweet side also really flusters him - he can't help but blush and grumble when you give him a good luck kiss on the cheek before a test on their 3dmg skills.

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