Part 5: Closer

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"Finally..." It was early in the morning when you walked out of Boxmore. You were covered in dust and sweat. "I didn't have tine to find anything..!" You dragged yourself home and took a bath. They worked you like a dog and always had an eye on you so you couldn't do anything sneaky.
Fink also made more messes faster than you were able to clean so you had to stay longer.
It was only the first day and you had to go back. You didn't go to the Plaza the next day. Staying in bed until work was the best option.
You were almost deciding not to go back there. "I don't think I can do this anymore. This is all too much to handle by myself..." Under your blanket, you held yourself. You realized that you were by yourself. You had to fix that. You had to be strong.
"I have to figure this out.. I don't wanna be by myself.. not anymore.."
You looked at the family picture again and felt determined to get answers. You weren't scared of Venomous and you felt like you shouldn't be. You shot up and,r started to get ready for work.
You came in with your most comfortable clothes.
You bang on the door but fall through them.
"Oh.. it was.. open?" It was also a bit quiet. Yeah, sure,  it was night time but there was always something. 
"This is weird.." You walked through the halls towards Professor Venomous' office. It was just so dark and creepy.
As you walked deeper you became more hesitant. You entered his office and opened the closet to grab the broom.
You pretty much became a statue.
"I'm actually quite surprised that you came back. I'm pretty sure that we scared you away." You turned around to see Professor Venomous picking a book up from the floor. You still decided to speak up. "I- I wanna know what you know about my parent.." He didn't even look at you.
"What do you know about my parents.." He smiled and you lost it. "EVERYTHING IS ALL YOU'RE FAULT! WHY CAN'T YOU JUST LEAVE EVERYONE ALONE!!!"
You had tears in your eyes but he wasn't smiling anymore. Venomous looked in your direction and you started to shake.
"You do know that you still work for me.." He walked towards you.
"I don't care about that anymore!! You KNOW something about what's been going on lately and stuff about me, my parents!!.."
His smile only tightened. "Looks like someone didn't read their contract.." You starred at him. "If you ever do anything that's unsatisfactory, I do something unsatisfactory for you.." You were confused.. "I don't.."
He started to chuckle. "You're so inexperienced and stupid that you didn't read a contract from a villian!?" You looked frustrated. "I can still quit and kick your ass!"
His face changed into a colder expression. "That wouldn't be satisfactory to me you know..."
You didn't care. You went to punch him but he dodged. You were heaving. You used your powers to lift up books to throw them. He started to get annoyed and pulled out a smoke bomb. "Fine.. see.. your fired. You're free to go.."
Smoke filled up the room. And as it cleared he was gone and you were pissed.
"GET BACK HERE! ANSWER ME!!" You threw all of his stuff on the floor and thrashed the place. You started to cry as you left.
As you calmed down you felt little to no fight in you. "I knew he was a villain but..." You just decided to cry in your bed. You never wanted to go back there again. You just had to think of another plan but not tonight. You had to get some sleep.

In the morning, you were woken up by silent sobs inside your house. You were a little groggy but still cautious and took a bat from under your bed into your hallway.
The sobs became louder as you got closer. It was in the kitchen. You slowly creeped into the kitchen and dropped the bat. You almost started to cry. "Mom..?"
It's been a couple months but she was there. She was home. "Mom.. you're back...?" You weren't sure to smile. She looked at you with filled eyes. She stood up and went to hug you. "I'm so sorry... I couldn't do it.."
You were so confused. For one thing, you were hugged in such a long time so it felt weird but your mom was here... "Where's dad?"
You felt the vibrations that she sent you with her body. You heard your mother try to breath. "Mom..? W-where's dad??..."
You almost didn't want to ask again. "There were so many and he protected me... I couldn't stop him from running in there... HE KNEW... He knew.. the risks.."
You felt as if someone took a hammer to every joint in your body.
You couldn't stand or think.
Falling to your knees, your mother followed you. "I'm so sorry..He was our hero..."
You knew. This was your fault. This was unsatifactory. To him. To you. You didn't sleep. The muffled cries of your mother were too much. This was you're fault. You didn't get out of bed in the morning. Your mother was gone by then. She had to go back to work. You just felt disgusting. "I-I killed him.. I didn't mean to kill him...." You curled up into a ball tight enough to hurt your back. It started to get dark outside and you wiped the tears from your puffy and red eyes.
"I.. I have to go back... to him.."
You didn't even bother getting ready this time. In your pajamas and blanket covering yourself.
You didn't eat any anything that whole day. You couldn't see clearly either. All you could do was drag yourself to Boxmore and cry.
The door was still open from when you stormed out before. You walked inside. "Hello..? P-Professor.??" You started to sob in between pleads. "YOU KILLED HIM DIDN'T YOU!?" You forced yourself down the long hallway towards his office and leaned against the door.
"It was you wasn't it?? You killed my dad.." You started to scream again and weakly banged on his door. "Why me!!? Why my dad!!? My mom!!? Why US!!!?... why us?.." You became out of breath again and realized that the door was locked. You immediately raised your hand to the door knob and tried to concentrate. "I have to get inside... I-I have to do someth-"
It was a firmiliar sound but you didn't unlock the door. The door slowly opened. And there he stood. He looked at you with disgust and then he smiled when he saw that you were crying.
"Well? What brings you here?" He spoke in a tone that oozed evil. You could barely retort or move easily. "You killed him.." He looked away. "Why would you kill him.. my dad.. you killed my dad.."
You tried to grab his pants but he moved away. "How could you do something so evil...?"
He responed quickly but you felt the weight of all of it. "Was it.. unsatisfactory for you?" You felt like throwing a tantrum. Your father was dead and it was a joke to that monster. "Why not kill ME!!!? You could've killed me multiple times!!!" He moved forward again and kneeled down to be face to face with you. He was still grinning as he looked into your eyes. "It would'nt be satisfactory for me... and besides..."
He took your chin with his hand and squeezed it tightly. "If you really want to die.. I know more than a dozen ways to kill someone.." He started to laugh and you tried to move yourself away from him but in your current state, he was stronger. He grabbed your arm as you tried to get up.
"Please.. let me go home.. please.." Your mind was racing and his grip only became tighter, hurting you more. "PLEASE! I wanna go home!!" You didn't have the strengh to struggle anymore so you almost went limp. Venomous noticed and picked you up to his office. That was the coldest his office has ever been. "You know? Your parents and you have caused me alot of trouble. They always kept ruining my plans... and now, their child won't stop pestering me.." He sat you on his desk but the fight in you really did disappear. You didn't see the point in yelling or running anymore.
You just look down at the floor past him. "I didn't want to hurt anybody you know.." He looked at you and went to one of his office cabnets to get something. "You asked me for a job remember? I gave you one. You wanted answers? You already had most of them... You still have your mother." You started to cry again.
"All you ever do is cry, it's pretty annoying for everyone you know. Everyone's always worried and looking after you. You say you want to become stronger but you don't even recongize your limits. You tried wiping your tears away. "I'm trying to help you. You don't want to lose your mother right? You looked up at Venomous to see him really close to you and smiling. His eyes showed that he had different intentions. You couldn't do anything about it though. You had to protect what you had left. "Please don't hurt her.." He stood back up and reached in his pocket. "Oh, don't worry about a thing. All you have to do is do as I say and everyone will be fine." He took out a collar. It was almost similar to the one Fink had around her neck but it was different. It had your initals on it and had a different color to it. "Hold still." You were scared but you stayed there. He fastened the collar on you and it was a little tight. "W-what is this...?"
It's something to help you with your powers. If you're just draining your power, the collar will just stop you." You did feel your powers slowly return to you. You tried to read his mind without him noticing. It was somewhat more easier to read minds now. "This kid is a nuisance but I can deal with them. I hope they realize that collar isn't a toy..." You felt cold. You started to have trouble breathing. The collar started to get tighter around your neck. "!!!"
Venomous noticed your struggling. "You should be more careful. You powers are a little amplifyed but you would have to stay loyal to me..." You started clawing at the collar scared while trying to gasp for air. Venomous leaned over you on the desk. By the look on his face, he seemed to be enjoying every moment of this.
"It's really not that hard if you think about it. Just be good like you always have and you'll be fine." The collar started to loosen up and you were able to breath again. He stood up again and sat down on the other side of his desk. "You can go home for the day. Come back a little earlier tomorrow night. I want to discuss more things with you.."
After relaxing your breaths for a couple more seconds you slowly sat up with a headache and as quickly as you could, you left his office. You've never been more terrifyed in your life. You didn't know what to do. He had won. You were in the palm of his hand and it was really your fault. You didn't know the extent of loyalty that you had to give to that man. You just had to do as he says.
You couldn't let anyone else die. Walking towards your house you see a figure sitting on your porch. "Enid??" She looked at you with worry and confusion. "Where have you been all day?? Everyone hasn't seen you at the Plaza lately and then the news with your dad... We were just all so worried.." You looked away from her. "I'm fine Enid.. I can take care of myself you know.." She noticed you being distant. "You should be more careful though.. nobody wants you to get hurt or worse.." You suddenly became angry. You shouted at Enid. "I SAID I CAN TAKE CARE OF MYSELF!! IT'S NOBODY'S BUSINESS!! I DON'T WANT ANYONE'S PITY OR CHARITY!!! I WANT EVERYONE TO LEAVE ME ALONE!!!!" You were hunched over and breathing heavily. You didn't even want to look at Enid's face or read her mind.
"Fine... okay.. if that's what you really want. I'll go." You wanted to stop her but you just felt so guilty. You looked down at the porch to see your favorite salt and vinegar chips. "It's not charity... It's a snack.." She left after saying that. You felt as if someone threw you into a void and if it was what you deserved. Maybe Venomous was right. You just cause problems. You didn't take a shower and barely took off your clothes. You just layed in bed and look at the wall. You knew this is how you were going to sleep for a couple of weeks.

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