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Day two

Thalia was busy making two cups of tea for both her and Elijah when she had heard him yell out in accomplishment. "Sorted!" Thalia giggled in response. Elijah had finished sorting out his tool box. He was the equivalent to a clean freak, he needed everything perfect in order for him to even think about his work. If they were neat, he'd work faster, therefore he'd be able to fit in more shifts, which meant he could earn more. God knows he needed the money. A frown had passed his face at the thought of his need for money however it left as quick as it had came.

Thalia placed a few cookies on a plate and made her way to the coffee table in-front of the sofa and set the cookies down as Elijah followed doing the same with the mugs of tea.

The two didn't hesitate to engage in a chat, a question looming on Thalia's mind was, how would she get him to open up. She resorted to asking more personal questions rather than simple questions about his job and day. All she knew was that he had another job however his description of it was very vague.

She blinked up at him as he took a sip of his tea. "You never mention family. Why?" She asked quietly as if she knew it was a touchy subject. She tried to tread lightly however he still tensed and put up a barrier between the two, she had only noticed the sudden tension till he replied. "I have none." He ground out in a harsh voice. Thalia bit her lip as she stared up at him. "Oh, I'm sorry," she started however he was quick to cut her off. "Don't, I don't want pity. I'm okay with my family being just me." She sighed. "I'm sorry, it was rude of me to ask." She averted her gaze. He simply sighed. "You has no malicious intent. It's okay." He smiled sweetly.

"So, doll, any plans?" He asked changing the subject. Thalia nodded hesitantly. Maybe if she let him in, he would too. "I have a dinner, with my mother's friends." She stated with distaste. "Come on, it can't be that bad!" He chuckled. Thalia's frown only deepened at the this. "Doll?" He asked awaiting for a response, worry etched onto his face. She shrugged in response.

"What if I joined you." He winked. Thalia's eyes widened at the thought, of he did join her he would leave her alone. Wouldn't he? "Really?" She asked exasperated. He shrugged. "I'd love to watch rich people converse." He stated as though the two were discussing the weather. He had no idea how important it was however. She shook her head. "No, you don't understand, these events are so horrible. A bunch of snarky rich people making shady jabs at each other." He shrugged. "Doll, I don't mind, I could still join you of you needed someone. I could always make an excuse so we leave early." He explained softly.

"Doll?" She questioned him at the new nickname. He barked out a laugh. "That's all you got from that?" He smiled. She nodded up at him,willing him to explain. "It suits you." The two stared at each other, none having the guts to break the eye contact. Thalia smiled softly. "Got a suit?" Elijah chuckled softly. "Yes ma'am!" He mock saluted her. The pair laughed at the notion. "Great, I'll text you the time and date." She stated as she went to grab the empty plate and cups.

Elijah made a move to get up to help but Thalia was quick to protest. "No sir! I'll sort this and you can browse something on the tv." Hesitantly ,he obliged while Thalia cleaned the dishes. Millions of thoughts were clouding her mind, everything was going so fast. They had only been in each others presence for two days and were already planning outings. The almost kiss they had still hadn't left her mind but she refused to dwell on it.

She wasn't afraid of him at all, Zeus wouldn't put her in a situation that would endanger her but how quick it was happening was still very peculiar. They greeted each other and talked as though they were long lost friends. Zeus had also explained he wasn't the most sociable but he seemed so open and friendly, maybe that would change soon.

"It's weird," Thalia started, receiving a confused look from Elijah. "I've known you two days and you're already planning on joining the dinner. I could be a serial killer. You could be a serial killer." Thalia said exaggerating the 'you'. "You're right. I could be a serial killer, but you, doll. You don't really scream chaotic, maniac killer." He chuckled. Thalia rolled her eyes at him, a playful smile gracing her face. "I think it's nice, to have someone to talk to that isn't so far away." Thalia sent a confused look his way. "Neither if us know each other. Neither of us have heard any rumours of the other. We can only judge the other off of our own opinions." Thalia smiled up at him. "Who's to say I haven't heard any rumours about you." Elijahs eyes darkened a little, a frown pulling at his lips. "You wouldn't be talking to me if you did." He smiled softly. It was now her turn to frown, how bad were the rumours. "Will you tell me?" She asked. "Will you tell me what the rumours are? One day?" Reluctantly he nodded. "One day, doll. When I know your judgement of me can't be clouded." She smiled softly at him. He didn't know yet. He didn't know her judgment of her couldn't get clouded at all, she wouldn't let anything mess with her view of him.

"What about you, doll?" Thalia shrugged. "I'll tell you mine when you tell me yours." She smiled up at him. Elijah chuckled, nodding his head. "Sorted." He smiled.

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