A speech for a bully

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Hi! Im here to talk about something serious. How bullying effects people. Now i know where i came from we had a class everymonth that would talk about what causes bullying. But ive never seen them go into detail about why its bad. The effects that happen because of it. Now the main topic i will be focusing on is depression. So prepare yo selves. Now when someone gets bullied for a long amount of time they start to beleive the words they are being told. I've personally experienced this. The reason im talking about this is because a friend of mine has tried to take their life multiple times. But they have failed because someone finds them before they commit to it. He has always been bullied and has a terrible life. Because i have witnessed him like this it hurts me to know that other people actually do go through with suicide and overdosing. So many people who have survived after trying to commit suicide have explained that they regret what they did. That they were so scared of actually dying when they started to die. These people make it clear that suicide is NOT the anwser. But this was about bullying, right? So let me explain. These victims will FEAR school because they dont want to be tourtured and taunted and thrown around and beat up. They dont want to go back to this place because they beleive all the words you tell them and they dont want anymore reasons to be sad. Depressed. Angry. Some are scared to die so they cry. And some attempt or think about it daily. Maybe they also write some suicide notes. Who knows what they really feel. They may be numb to the feeling because they have been bullied so much. But you know the worst part that will make you bullies feel bad? They want to die because of YOU and if you bully them in a group its YOU and your FRIENDS. Have you ever thought how selfish you are being by making someone want to take their own life because bullying them makes you feel good? Ive heard the excuse of "but they deserve it" but in all reality they did NOTHING to YOU. So what does it matter?! Leave these poor people alone! They dont deserve to be treated like this. There are programs for people with depression and 'that should help' ut for some people they cant help but beleive all the horrible things you have told them. They dont deserve it. Think about it. If you have bullied someone, anyone. Think about how you would feel if they killed themselves and in their suicide note they talked about a reason. That reason being YOU. You stole their life from them. They could have been so amazing but instead you decided to go ahead and RUIN what could have been. For all the bullies who may hear this speech i hope you

realize what you've done wrong, and correct it. #stopbullying

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