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<Park's Mansion>

What did he want from Jimin? Why did he want to kidnap Jimin? Something is wrong or something make them misunderstood about us. Well I'm not going to shut about this Han Jungwoo you can't do anything to my younger brother. He's under Jungkook protection you can't do anything about it ... It's not worth

"Noona?" Heize thought cut off by Chanyeol who knock on her door home office

"Come in!" Heize half yell

"Do you need anything Chan?" Heize ask as soon as Chanyeol open the door and walk into her home office

"Uh well, I already call Jungkook and told him that you will visit them every weekend and he said yes so don't worry about the guards but noona, you must really be careful, I'm worried if our enemy minions will follow you so I suggest that you ask your strongest bodyguards to follow you everytime" Chanyeol said

"Fine, I will ask my bodyguards to follow me, Chanyeol ah I know you are worried but don't worry too much about me" Heize smile

"How can I'm not worry about you noona? You are my sister" Chanyeol sigh

"Alright, if you say so I'm going to more be careful" Heize chuckle

"Hehe" Chanyeol grin and awkwardly rub his neck


<Jeon's Mansion>

"Yah, Jungkook ah, why you didn't sleep? And let Jimin alone in your room?" Jin ask as soon Jungkook walk into the kitchen

"I can't sleep hyung, I'm scare if something bad happen to Jimin if I'm sleep too" Jungkook sigh, frustrating

"That's why stay with him, don't leave him alone, don't worry about anything else we can handle it" Namjoon said, smiling

"Fine, it's your job Namjoon hyung, ask the securities to level up so no one can go in except Heize noona, she will visit us every weekend" Jungkook said, making Namjoon and Jin nod their head

"I'm going upstairs now hyungs, goodnight" Jungkook wave and walk up to the stairs, made his way to his bedroom

"I shouldn't worried too much.. " Jungkook sigh and sit on the edge of his comfy bed

"Hyung.. " Jimin small voice making Jungkook almost snap his head to look at the younger but his eyes still close

"Maybe he have nightmares? Should I wake him up? Heck he even sweating" Jungkook mumble as he look at Jimin's sweating and pale face

"Jimin?" Jungkook shake the younger gently

Jimin breath hitching, Jungkook knows that he should wake Jimin up but Jimin didn't open his eyes

"Jimin?!" Jungkook shake the younger one more time, still Jimin didn't open his eyes making Jungkook frustrated

"Jimin open your eyes!!" Jungkook slightly slap Jimin cheeks

"HYUNG!!" Jimin shoot open his eyes and breathing heavily, his nightmares make him scare and he need a hug for comfort

"Jimin is okay, it just nightmare" Jungkook said, draw circles on Jimin's back, trying to comfort the younger

"I-I'm s-scare hyung.. " Jimin stutter, almost crying

"Mind to tell me?" Jungkook ask concern

"S-someone k-kill y-you h-hyung.. and y-you l-leave me a-alone" Jimin stutter and hug Jungkook, making Jungkook widening his eyes but hug Jimin back

"Someone kill me? Who?" Jungkook ask, a little bit confuse

"I don't know, I can't see his face" Jimin said, calm down a little bit

"It's just a dream Jimin ah, no one will kill me, I can protect myself but my top priority now is you, Chanyeol hyung ask me to protect you" Jungkook smile a little bit

"B-but..." Jimin frown, he doesn't like when someone need to protect him and being a burden

"No but and no your are not burden to me Jimin ah" Jungkook said as if he knows what Jimin thinks

"Hmm" Jimin pout and hide his face in Jungkook's chest

"Go to sleep now will you?" Jungkook ask smiling

"Okay, but don't leave me!" Jimin said and look up at Jungkook

"No, I'm not going anywhere, just sleep" Jungkook chuckle and make Jimin lay on the bed

"Sleep" Jungkook demand

Jimin just nod and close his eyes, slowly drifting off to sleep

Someone will kill me? I wonder who.. Jungkook thought, just smirk at what Jimin's told him, no one can kill him cause most of the mafia respect him except their enemies

T. B. C

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