Part 20: The Ancient Throne

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Those words span around in Soran's head. Seren's words. Seren's warning.

The room was dark, lit by only four small skylights embedded in the domed ceiling. It was one large space which took up the entire four-story high structure. The once rich turquoise walls depicted murals of what would have once been stunning vistas of various locations o this world, but now they had faded beyond comprehension. Ancient forests, costal vistas and mountain ranges were now faded into near obscurity with age and bleaching white light streaming through the windows from the unforgiving white star high above. Along the circumference of the space a little under where the dome began to curve was a balcony made of a seemingly dark and ornate wood. Directly opposite the large door from which the group entered was a throne made of the same dark wood up against the wall of the circular space. It was on its own raised platform with six steps leading up to the stage-like space. The throne itself was decorated with faded swirling gold patterns and the arms , back and seat were covered in what seemed to be a once plush purple material. The back of the throne was a high rectangle, ending in a point, at the apex of which was some kind of circular symbol which Soran didn't recognise. 

Either side of this throne were doors which contained stairs that lead to the upper balcony, and onto the rest of this ornate palatial complex.

The figure that was slouched upon the throne was fidgeting as if they were extremely uncomfortable. Raine was the first to speak.

"Is it really you?" Her voice was croaky and close to cracking with emotion, Soran had never seen her like this. The figure said nothing, it was looking down at the floor and still fidgeting - seemingly not noticing their arrival. Soran took a step towards the figure and his head snapped up.

The cheeks were hollow and the eyes set back seemingly through extreme malnutrition - his face looked like a skull. There were dark bags under his dull grey eyes and his lips were such a dark shade of purple that they were almost black. He grinned a wide grin revealing horribly stained yellow teeth.

Soran took another step forward, and the man sat up straighter on the throne, holding his arms out seemingly in welcome. His whole body was covered in a jet black robe and black gloves and boots covered his hands and feet. The only visible part of the man was his face as his head was covered by a skull wrapping balaclava, and around his neck was a long sash that almost reached the floor on each side.

Even though he was in this horrible state and the white hair was gone, Soran knew it was him.

"Master Kisa?" Soran asked. His voice was supposed to be strong, but it came out in a raspy whisper. Kisa remained silent for a moment, looking down at the floor in thought. Then he looked up again at Soran through those aged eyes.

"Sor...An" He said in a much lower and stronger voice than Soran had expected. He looked past Soran at the others standing in the doorway.

"Raine... Draz... Ana..." It was as if his brain was booting up after a long period of neglect.

"Yes" Soran said simply. It's us, we're here".

"I know you are here" Kisa said, suddenly looking back at Soran. "I foresaw this day".

"Foresaw?" Draz asked, stepping further into the room with a quick nod to Ana. She and Natasha turned to a previously unnoticed panel set in the wall to the side of the great doorway that they had entered. It slid back and revealed a small screen and socket which Ana touched. The console sprang to life and Ana began downloading data into her mind as Natasha took the tablet from her and began streaming data herself.

"Yes" Kisa said. "This day was foretold".

"You could never see the future before..." Raine said, joining Soran and Draz in the centre of the circular space. She noticed that there were holes in the floor and horizontal lines of dust and faded stone on the slate floor where benches or pews must once have been placed. He smiled at Raine.

"Much time has passed since then" He said, as Soran noted the deep, deep lines around his mouth and eyes. It looked like he had lived for hundreds of extra years since he had last been seen. Soran lowered his sword to his side - this old man wasn't a threat.

"What is this place?" Draz asked. "It's Forefather, isn't it?" 

"It is indeed, Draz" Kisa replied. "This place was once called Jeni, the homeworld and seat of power for the Arundar - the race we know as The Forefathers". Draz smiled.

"Hatori... How did you end up here?" Raine asked, as Kisa gripped the arms of the throne, eyes closed and moved his neck in a strange jerky manner.

"I...." He began, and jerked his neck in the same way again. "I.... I can't remember... I expect Natasha and Ana will be able to shed some light on that soon enough".

And the Darklight Sword was deployed towards Kisa once more.

"Soran?" Raine asked in a warning-like tone. Draz gave Soran a quizzing look.

"You're not Kisa" Soran growled. His head was beginning to thump with pain as his anger began to manifest within him. Kisa smiled that nauseating smile again.

"What do you mean? It's me, Soran - Master Kisa". His voice was slow, deep and cooing.

"Master Kisa never met Natasha, never even saw a picture of her. Ana, maybe - but not Natasha. You thought she was dead, like the rest of us. I think I've been expecting to meet you..." Kisa's smile faltered into a grimace.

"You...." He said, but his neck jerked once more. "You're..." Another jerk. Raine pulled a medium size handgun from a holster hidden on her thigh and Draz readied his Darklight Axe.

Then there was a scream, a scream of pleading and of sheer terror that leapt from Master Kisa's mouth unexpectedly. For a moment his eyes were the bright blue that Soran had remembered.

"Run, Soran! Please!"

There was a blinding flash of brilliant green light as Ana and Natasha were propelled backwards away from the console, their backs hitting the slate-like floor. Kisa was on his feet, arms outstretched and the black material that hung from underneath them rippled in the air as green light began to spill from his mouth, eyes and nose. Soran and Draz grabbed Natasha and Ana, helping them to their feet as the five stared at the figure that had once been Master Kisa. His head was tilted up and he was laughing.

Green tendrils of energy began to emerge from out of the floor all around them. They were faint at first but as they snaked closer and stood on end they became brighter and brighter, encircling the group.

Kisa began to walk down the steps towards the hundreds of green tendrils that surrounded the group. Their breath was fast and Soran knew that each one of them were assessing their surroundings and preparing to fight.

Kisa stood on the third step in front of the throne, grinning at them.

"We are The Faceless, and we shall take creation from you".

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