Day 3 on the run

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After like 6 hours of sleep they where off and going in the road. Hoping to get to wonderland today. After 3 hours of walking the started to get hungry. So they decided to eat some of the food they found yesterday. So they decided to take a break and eat. After an hour they got back on the road. It started to fall might vary fast and before the new it it was pitch black out. So they made a fire and wen to sleep. The next morning then they woke up the did not wast a second they where on the road and ready to go. After about 3 hours of walking they made it. They saw beautiful sky's and lots of fun stuff. Lots of trees to climb and people to play with. And the dog had a place too.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 11, 2019 ⏰

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