Chapter 2

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Mackenzie's POV
We'll I woke up this morning sadly..
I know I shouldn't talk like that but I guess I just really don't want to be here
"Kenzie! We have dance in an hour you really need to go for run if you plan on wearing that new crop mom bought you" Maddie said
I tried to ignore her but she kept going
"Oh and you really need to fix your feet and looked like a fat ass yesterday" Maddie laughed
"Go away." I said in almost a whisper
But she wales into my room and hit me hard in face.
"OW!" I said almost in tears "GET OUT!GET OUT! GET OUT! I HATE YOU! YOUR SUCH A EVIL SPOILED BITCHY BRAT!" I was so upset I didn't even realize what I was saying. them Mom and Greg came upstairs and I could tell they were mad at me that's when Maddie started crying.
I knew she was faking it.
Greg took Maddie to dance early while my mom decided to just hurt me more with her venomous words
" You know Mackenzie you really need to stop being so jealous of your sister I get that she's perfect at everything and you lack in some areas but don't take it out on her" mom said
I didn't respond I just thought 'right I should take it out on myself '

I'm going to update this soon just wanted to post something.
I don't have a charger and my phones is dying I'll update soon!!

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