Perceive what you will

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"Let me introduce myself, my name is Meth.
I'm a beautiful lie, I won't be something you forget.
I destroy homes, I tear families apart,
I take your sanity, but honestly that's just the start.
I'm more costly than diamonds, more precious than gold.
The disasters I stir are sights to behold.
If you need me, I'm sure I'll be around.
I may live close to you, in schools and in town.
I live with the rich, I live with the poor.
I couch serf on your street, maybe visit me next door.
I'm made in a lab, probably not like you think.
I can be made under that powder room sink.
In your child's closet, and even in the kitchen.
Does this scare you to death?
I'll lead you there if it didn't.
I have many names, but there's one you know best.
I'm sure you've heard of me, nice to meet you, I'm crystal meth.
"My power is awesome; try me, I'll set you free."
But the truth is the exact opposite, a prisoner you'll be.
Just try me once and I might let you go.
But try me again, and I'll own your soul.
When I possess you, you'll steal and you'll lie.
You do what you have to, just to get high.
The crimes you'll commit for my narcotic charms
Will be worth the pleasure you'll feel in your lungs, nose and arms.
You'll lie to your mother; you'll steal from your dad.
When you see their tears, you'll know you should feel sad.
But you'll forget your morals and how you were raised.
I'll be your conscience, you'll soon practice my ways.
I take kids from parents, and parents from kids.
I turn people from God, and separate friends.
Your children are waiting outside your door.
You yell "Hold on just give me a minute"
Your Son yells back "it's okay, we've seen it before".
Your Daughter adds in, "Mom you don't have to hide it, we get it.
But you know that they don't fully, you pray they never do.
You now here them mumbling, scared of losing you.
"She's doing that stuff that make her happy right?"
Shaking his head at his sister, "no that's why her and Daddy fight."
You see what you've gotten into ?
I'm a horrible drug that has molded you cold.
Your family is scared now, you don't show the love you've always told.
I'll take everything from you, your looks and your pride.
I'll be with you always, right by your side.
You'll give up everything, your family, your home.
Your friends, your money, then you'll be all alone.
I'll take and take, till you have nothing more to give.
When I'm finished with you, you'll be lucky to live.
If you try me be warned - this is no game.
If you can't want to change, you'll never leave untamed.
I'll deform your body, I'll control your mind.
I'll own you completely, your soul all mine.
The nightmares I'll give you while lying in bed.
The voices you'll hear, from inside your head.
The sweats, the shakes, the visions you'll see.
You never denied them, these gifts from me.
When it seems too late, you'll know in your heart,
That you are mine, how dare you think we should part?
You'll regret that you tried me, they always do.
But you came to me, not I to you.
You knew this would happen, many times you were told.
But you challenged my power, and chose to be bold.
You could have said no, and just walked away.
If you could live that day over, now what would you say?
I'll be your master, you will be my slave,
I'll even sit with you, watch you rot in your grave.
Now that you have met me, what will you do?
Will you try me or not?
It's all up to you.
I can bring you more misery than words can tell.
Come take my hand, let me lead you to hell."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 11, 2019 ⏰

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