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Hayley Marshall had never felt this pain before. The pain of giving birth. It didn't help that the threat of witches wanting to kill her baby was literally standing right next to her. Or the fact that the father of her baby, Klaus Mikaelson, was magically pinned to the wall screaming threats at the witches.

Hayley let out one loud scream and then pushed. A baby's cry answered her. Hayley let out a breath when she heard her baby crying.

"You have a beautiful baby girl." Genevieve said.

"Please. Can I hold her? Please." Hayley said softly. The baby, her daughter was handed to her. She looked down at her beautiful daughter and had never felt so much love. It was quite. She looked up and smiled at Klaus.

Suddenly Hayley screamed again.

The witches jumped in shock and the sprung into action. Someone grabbed the girl from Hayley's arms but she was in too much pain to notice.

"What's happening?" Hayley yelled.

"You're having another baby."

"What? Twins?" Hayley demanded. She hadn't known there was twins inside her. Someone might of answered her but she didn't hear. She was too busy yelling. In no time at all the baby was here. But he wasn't crying.

"What's wrong?" Hayley demanded breathlessly.

"It's a boy." Genevieve said.

"Is he okay?" Hayley asked.

"He's alive. He's just not crying."

"I wanna hold him." Hayley said. The baby boy was placed in her arms.

"Hello, baby." Hayley mumbled. He looked up at her with dark eyes. His little lips moved and almost looked like a smile. Hayley giggled softly.

Klaus watched from where he was pinned. A son and a daughter. He'd never felt more blessed. He suddenly felt whole. Then he saw something he'd never forget. His sons eyes moved from Hayley and looked up at him. He made a cooing sound and Klaus wished he was holding him.

His eyes widened and he let out scream when one of the witches grabbed a knife and cut Hayley's throat. He was screaming and crying as he watched her die and the witches grabbing his children. They all started to leave when Monique made a motion and snapped Klaus' neck.

The last thing he saw was Hayley's blood falling to the floor and the last thing he heard was his children's cries.


The witches were dead.

Their daughter was okay.

But they couldn't find their son.

They looked and looked but he was nowhere to be found. Eventually they had to give up looking and focus on their daughter, Hope.

Klaus stood in his room holding his daughter. Hope looked up at him and slowly started to fall asleep.

"I'll always look after you, I promise you, Hope. I'll never let anything happen to you. And I'll never stop looking for you brother."

And he didn't.

The Mikaelson's never gave up on their little prince. They always had hope he'd one day find his way home.


A witch, about fifty years old, held a baby boy tightly in her arms. She smiled down at the baby. He wore black pants and a fluffy blue jumper to keep him warm.

It's been a long trip with the baby and it was almost over.

She looked up when a car pulled up and smiled at the beautiful couple that got out of the car.

"You called?" Asked the man. She nodded and walked over to them. The woman saw the baby in the witches arms and gasped, covering her mouth slightly. The witch smiled and held out the baby for her to hold. Hesitating for only a second, the beautiful woman held the baby.

"What's this about? Who's baby is this?" The man asked and the witch turned to him.

"His family is dead and he needs someone to take care of him." The witch said bluntly.

"We can't look after a human child. It's too dangerous." He said. He saw his wife holding the boy and couldn't lie, he would love for them to raise a child together. They already had adopted children but this would be different.

"He's not human. He's a witch. And a werewolf."

"How's that possible?" The woman asked, gently swaying with the baby.

"His mother was a witch and his father a werewolf. He's powerful. So powerful that people would use him if they got him. You were the only ones I know would never hurt or use him."

"Carlisle." The woman said after a few seconds. The man, Carlisle, looked at his wife and saw her look. They wouldn't hurt the baby. They'd look after him. Raise him good. He'd be their son.

"No other family?" Carlisle asked.

"No. His parents died. No siblings. Uncles. Aunts. He has no one."

"Esme?" Carlisle asked softly. His wife smiled, such a beautiful smile he'd never seen before, and nodded. This would make her happy.

"We'll look after him. What's his name?" Carlisle asked.

"He doesn't have one. He's your son now. You can name him." The witch said. She turned and started walking.

"Don't you wanna know-" Carlisle started but was cut off.

"The less I know the better. Trust me." And then she was gone.


The witch walked to her car and got in and started driving. She hadn't wanted to lie about everything but she had to. She saw what would happen to that boy if Klaus Mikaelson got him. He would become a monster worse than his father.

She couldn't let that happen.

So she'd lied. She'd gone to the one supernatural person she knew who couldn look after him and raise him into a good person. The Cullen's. They were vampires but they were good, kind people.

She drove for three house before she stopped. She sighed and grabbed the glass vile from her purse. She closed her eyes and prayed that everything would be okay. She knew Klaus would come after her if he found out it was her who took his son. She also knew she wasn't strong enough to fight him.

If he came for her, she'd tell him everything.

It was better if she was dead.

With a sigh she threw the glass back and drank the poison.

She'd be dead in an hour.

And the world would be safe from the youngest Mikaelson.

She hoped.


Carlisle kept looking to his wife who hadn't taken her eyes off the boy since they were told that he was theirs.

"He'll need a name." Carlisle said. Esme smiled and nodded.

"The others will be happy to have a baby brother." He continued, "Especially Rosalie."

"And Alice will probably dress him up." Esme said with a smile. Carlisle smiled and agreed.

They drove in silence for a few more minutes.

Esme started down at the boy with so much love. His eyes fluttered open and he gargled before cooing. Esme just about melted. He had beautiful brown eyes. Brown eyes that seemed to just watch her.


"What?" Carlisle asked, looking to his wife.

"His name. I like Milo." She said, looking up at Carlisle. Carlisle smiled. He loved his little family.

"Milo Cullen."

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