Shinra Kusakabe x Reader: Worth Holding On

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A/N: Recently started watching Fire Force, and I'm really enjoying it so far, so I said why not make some readers for our dear characters! Hope you like what I have to offer!

"Ashes to ashes, dust to dust."


You sighed as you checked your phone for the sixth time in thirty minutes. You had been sitting on a bench in a small park--which was actually very rare in the city since it was mostly bombarded with many sizeable buildings--for what seemed like forever. As you sat there, your mind raced with thoughts as you grew more impatient by the minute.

To distract yourself from your own frustration, your eyes started to study the trees that lined the walkway. They slowly swayed in the wind and created a soothing rustling noise that was making you a more and more drowsy by the second.

Just as you had taken your eyes off the entrancing trees, you noticed a figure walking down the lane in your direction.

Your heart skipped and you called out to the figure,


The dark-haired boy looked up from the pathway and instantly noticed you. You smiled and waved as he trotted over,

"I thought you had ditched me," you teased as he sat on the bench next to you.

Shinra scratched his head with a nervous smile,

"Sorry, (name), I got distracted." His eyes suddenly lit up,

"I saw a Fire Force team take out an Internal at the station."

You leaned back in surprise,

"Whoa really!? Was it scary?"

Shinra shook his head and clenched his fist,

" was...exciting," Shinra's smile grew a bit, his brows furrowing,

"It only made me more sure of how much I wanna be like them...a hero..."

You stared at the young man beside you that was filled with so much passion and determination. When you saw that sharp glint in his eyes and the smile birthed from nervous energy, you couldn't help but see something special in Shinra. He had always spoken of becoming a hero, that the time was near, you were scared...

Shinra looked up and suddenly noticed the somewhat depressed look in your face,

"(name)? You ok?"

You snapped from your thoughts and gave a small laugh,

"Yes, I'm ok, sorry I just..." You looked down at your hands and rubbed the skin at your wrist,

"It's just...I'm really gonna miss you, Shinra."

Your heart started to pound a little quicker as those words left your mouth and even more so with the silence that followed.

You suddenly began to regret what you said and waved your hands in dismissal,

"I-I'm sorry that was really sudden...!"

Shinra frowned and started staring at you with those crimson red eyes of his. You blushed, occasionally darting your gaze from his own,

"What...?" you said with a slight tremble to your voice.

Shinra suddenly whipped his head away, an obvious huge toothy smile on his cheeks. He must've been really nervous if he had a smile like that.

"I...I'll miss you too, (name)...!"

Shinra hesitantly turned to you with a slight flush to his cheeks and that wide smile still on his lips.

You laughed softly at the contradictory expression, but still blushed more than you had before. You scratched your cheek bashfully,


Shinra jumped up in sudden confidence, fists clenched hard,

"Of course I will!"

You were taken aback by his sudden outburst, the irregular beating of your heart getting more prominent now that he was looking at you with such fervor in his eyes. He really did mean it...

You laughed and rushed him to sit down again,

"Ok, ok, I get it," you smiled at him,

"Thank you, Shinra."

Shinra nodded firmly. You chuckled and checked the time once again. You sighed at the numbers displayed and turned to Shinra,

"Looks like I gotta go."

Shinra frowned with the cutest puppy dog eyes,

"Wait really!? But I just got here!"

You stood up and smirked,

"I mean you were late."

Shinra humphed,

"Only by a few minutes."

"A few minutes!? It was thirty minutes!"

"Yeah, a few minutes!"

You groaned and placed your hands on your hips,

"Just don't be late next time, ok?"

Shinra smiled,

"Ok, ok, sheesh."

You exhaled and shook your head. Still, you couldn't stop the fierce smile that wiped across your face. You just couldn't stay mad at the cute little pain in the butt.

Your cheeks flushed at that thought and you decided it was time,

"So...see you tomorrow?"

Shinra's smile softened at the kind tone in your voice, his body relaxing a bit,


You nodded,

"Ok, see ya."

And so with a wave, you were off to go back home. Only a few steps away and you looked back. Shinra had already left the bench and was walking away, his silouhouette blending so nicely with the pretty oranges and pinks that were slowly beginning to paint the scenery. Your stomach fluttered at the thought of his words.

He was going to miss you...

You smiled so wide it made your cheeks hurt and whipped around again to continue on your way.

Little did you know however, Shinra had also looked back, his nervous smile completely gone now that he was looking at you in this environment.

Of course, he had always appreciated your support...but he was now beginning to realize just how much it meant to him. He could always count on you to be there no matter what people said about him or yourself. As long as you were there, everything was fine.

And that...was truly a person worth holding on to.

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