chapter t e n

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Chapter t e n. Noah Denvers
"move and I will shoot...give me all the money before I change my mind and just decide to kill you instead." I said roughly,adding a sarcastic smile on my lips as I looked down on the drug dealer who worked for some men up North from where we live.The guy was a scared little boy,proably fifteen years old or seventeen,trembling as he shoved the money from his coat into the bag I shoved towards his way.He kept praying as he did that,telling the man up stairs that if he allowed him to live that he would leave the business and never commit sins again.

I saw Oakley and Lucian standing behind the boy, incase he tried to shoot and run, then they would run and shoot him. Fox was standing next to the boy, pointing the gun at the side of his head while my gun was pointed at his forehead.The boy never once dared to look at me in the eyes, the only thing exposed from my mask, he was scared and I liked that. When the boy was done shoving the money in the bag, I snatched it from him and I gave Fox a simple motion with my fingers for him to do his job, he raised his gun in the air and smashed it against the boy's head knocking him out instanly.He wasn't dead, just sleeping, but we couldn't risk him running off to his boss to snitch just yet

"Good job boys." I smirked, making Oakley, Fox and Lucian smile in satisfaction.
I entered the house, taking off the mask from my face and taking the gun out the strap of my waist.I handed them to Lucian, who was storing them under the coffee table.We always had guns hidden around incase of emergencies and also I didn't want to risk Phoenix being awake to find me with a gun.

"When are you returning her? She's been here for a week now and no one's reported her as missing...and we should keep it that way..." Oakley was trying not to sound pushy, but he failed.I knew he,out of all of them were worried about Phoenix being here,in the house and being underaged.

He was right though, Phoenix has been here for a week now,longer than anyone expected, but I couldn't help it.Letting her go seemed almost impossible to do, yes I would still see her,but I wouldn't be with her every second second to hear her laugh, see her smile or listen to whatever she wanted to talk about.Luckily and surprisingly no one has reported her as missing, but I felt it deep in my chest that someone was bound to come looking for her sooner or later.

"I will soon, I just don't feel safe knowing the guy who did that to her is still out there." I confess, half of it being partially true.I really was worried for her safety knowing the person who did this to her is out there, but I also didn't want her to leave because she makes me so...happy, really happy.There was just something really marvelous waking up next to the person concquering your thoughts all the time and also spending time with them that you wish the day could only be longer just to see them smile more.

"Don't worry,when we find him he will be done with." Lucian said,driving me back into reality.I smiled at his words,knowing that if we got the chance to ever see this guy that we all would kill him and nothing but a grin could show my gratitude for them being there.

After lounging around in the living room for a few more minutes,I decided I wanted to get back to Phoenix.I climbed the stairs two at a time,clearly eager to be with her even if she was just sleeping.At the top of the stairs I saw my two most truted men,Samuel and Lincoln.They were dressed in black from head to toe,standing with their arms crossed,talking about some televison show until I showed up and they smiled at me.

"Hey boss." They greeted,I nodded at them.Samuel and Lincoln were bodyguards I hired when I turned nineteen.They always acomponied me to vacations,clubs,parties and anything involving a crowd of people around me.Tonight,however I needed them and seven other of my most trusted men to guard the house incase Phoenix left or someone tried to break in while she was in here-- just to be sure,I didn't want anything bad to happen to her while I'm working.

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