Only Loved By You (sequel to Teach Me to Love)

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Hi Guys! Only Loved by You is finally up! yay!!

*Just a warning if you havent read Teach me to Love yet, go read it first :)

I hope you all love this story as much as you loved the first! If I see a good amount of you voted and commented on this first chapter... I will post chapter 2 later! BUT ONLY IF I SEE VOTES AND COMMENTS! :)

I dont have any updates for you so im just going to go! hope you guys enjoy!

Emily xx


Elle’s POV

“Harry,” I whispered as I stared up at the ceiling restlessly.

Harry’s arm loosened around my waist as he lifted his head to look up at me. “What?” he grumbled furrowing his eyebrow.

I shifted so that I was facing him. “I can’t sleep.” I said as I swooped some hair out of his face.

Harry groaned and rested his head on my shoulder "Can’t you try?” he whined as he shut his eyes.

I sighed “Its 7:00 my time.” I said, batting my eyelashes at him.

“Yes, but its 3:00 my time.” He said flipping over onto his back.

“C’mon Harry stay up with me!” I exclaimed sitting up.

“No.” he said covering his face with his hands.

“I wanna stay up all night and jump around until we see the sun!” I sang as I shook his arm.

“Elle, sleep is important, and right now I’m running on very little of it.” Harry said in a serious tone.

I rolled my eyes. “You took 2 naps today, and snuck in a 3rd during our movie.” I said glaring at him. Tried my ass, no one could be tired after the amount of naps he took today.

I felt the bed shake as Harry laughed deeply. “Alright,” he said giving up “what do you want to do?”

I leaned back on the bed thinking thoughtfully, “You know how Niall can kind of write songs?” I said.

I felt Harry’s eyes on me “Yeah?” he laughed giving me a look.

“Write me a song.” I said grinning at him.

“Right now?” he said flatly.

“Yes.” I responded smirking at him.

Harry let out a deep sigh and rubbed his face again. “Uh… you are… the apple of my eye. I want some pie….. Don’t try to… fly… or you will die.” Harry sang in a deep off tune voice.

“That was pathetic.” I laughed.

Harry then seized me around the waist, and pulled me back so that I was against his chest. He roughly kissed every part of my face he could find, and tickled my side while grumbling in my ear “You try to write a song on the spot, god damn pain in my bum.”

“Harry stop!” I shrieked as I tried to catch my breath. I put my hands on his chest trying to push him away. Once he had stopped, we laid silently, smirking at one another.

“Can I sleep now love? I do have work tomorrow.” He said kissing my nose softly.

I sighed closing my eyes “Do I get to come?” I asked.

“Yes.” He responded pulling me closer to him.

We laid quietly for a while before Harry spoke up again “I was serious about the pie.”

Only Loved By You (sequel to Teach Me to Love)Where stories live. Discover now