meet your doom;)

102 7 4

"What dafuq"

Even to make it better I'm working for the world's most notorious criminal,great

"Look, I'll ask the warden to change it, I don't think you can handle it"he turned around to go walk to the warden

I grabbed his arm and wouldn't let go " excuse me, did i hear right that you said I can't handle it" you said putting your free hand on your waist

His eyes expanded and began  stutter "well-i-you-knoww-i-didn-t-t- me-an" I put my fingers on his lips to silence him

"Shush, don't worry alot of people underestimate me" you say locking eyes with taehyung

Red crept up to his cheeks,he broke the contact and straightened him self out

"Now, let me put on my uniform and meet the supposed notorious criminal" you say scrunching your fingers

You made your way to your dorm,to hear hye-jin screaming on her phone "NO I CANT DO THAT,THATS WRONG- her voice suddenly went quiet

"yes...I understand.. bye"
I slowly walk in sorta stomping to let her know I'm coming in, I saw her wiping her tears.

She faced towards the window to hide her tear stained face I didn't say anything.

I grabbed my uniform that was layyed on my bed and went inside the bathroom

{Time skkkkkiiiippp)

I marched down to the jail cells which is on the second floor to see taehyung waiting for me

(Y/n was just on the 1st floor where the dorms and reception is)

"Well I spoke with the warden he starts of

"the reason he put you with Jungkook was because your where around the same age as him

Don't worry he's on his best behavior for now and I'll be by your side at all times

Just get to know him" he says and sends me a reasonable smile

"Don't worry I'll be fine, I'm not scared" you lie

Seeing a girl brought the facility alive

The sound of inmates getting up from the bed and dudes trying to sneak a look was loud

The sound of catcalls roared over the facility

"Hey officer Kim you brought a girl for me, " a voice shouted out

"No And shut up jimin she's way to Young for your fat ass" a inmate shouts back

I let hair fall over my face

"Is she underage, she pretty"

"Who is she for?"

"Let me have her, babe did you come for me"

I kept walking

The cat calls kept coming

I didn't see when officer taehyung stopped until I banged into him

I whipped my head around and rubbed my eyes over the area around me

"Jeon" he shouts "your 3pm is here"

"OOHHHH So she came for the douche" a voice announced

He sits at the end of the bed with his hoodie over his head,

he stands up stretching to his full size walking over

He opens the jail to let me in
"Taehyung you don't have to stay there" I stutter

"Are you sure" he says in a concern voice,you nod your head and he whispers to you

"Ill collect you in 15 minutes", I thank him and he leaves

I take a good look at him and I have to admit he's fucking hot why is he in here?

"Why aren't you wearing protection" he speaks, his voice cold

"Why should I"

" I could easily sneak up on you and strangle you to your death"

I hesitated and put up my arms defensively

"Don't worry..I won't hurt you"

"Thanks I guess"? I bit my lip I dropped my arms down to my sides

He stands there for a moment In silence ,surveying me and my expression

"So, I clear my throat "whats your name" I ask even tho I know his name, I reach to pull back his hoodie, he grabs my wrist ,it was warm and sudden,

"dont" he snaps, glancing down at my wrist before he shoved it away

He had beautiful brown doe eyes,a sharp god-like jawline and many other handsome features

"Sorry" I flinched from the harshness from his voice


"What's up my name is y/n"

"I'll call you brainiac" he replied

"Wait,what why"? You asked

"Cause he replied, "you obviously new my name and you still asked"

You pushed that topic away and asked him another question

"Why are you here" you asked

"I killed and gagged a ten year old" he said raising an eyebrow.. and pinning me to the bars

"Just joking" he said and released his hands, "I won't tell until I know you better"

he walked to the end of the room and slid down the wall and sat down

Holy diss tracks is he bipolar or something

"What age are you" I ask "21" he replyed closing his eyes out of boredem

I need to say something to catch his attention

"So...are you single" i ask, jungkook's head jerked up and he shot me a look

"no I killed and ate my exGirlfriend"  note ,I thought his sarcasm is on a dangerous level

"Oh, ok" I replied "why aren't you scared of me...why aren't you running back to officer Kim " he says slowly getting up

"Because " I secretly gulp "I've delt with people like you" I took a few steps back noticing that he was getting real close to me

"And plus I like talking to you " i anwser truthfully

"Its been awhile since I've talked to a pretty girl like you" I moved back to the bar, my back pressing on the bars whilst trying to move more

His body collided with mine his warm breath on my neck made my breath hitch, "come on princess, don't be scared"

The heat was gone he wasn't near me anymore he went back to his bed and covered his face

I heard footsteps coming down the hallway "Mr Kim" I called

It was a different officer "sorry honey" he said "taehyung told me to collect you...he's doing business.

"Okay..I say with a puzzled face I exited the cell and told namjoon I'll catch up

"Bye Jungkook, it was good talking to you"I said
"Yeah okay" he said



Helooo my peeps how are y'all I hope you enjoy this episode and yeah have a good day and please communicate I don't bite...I'm lonely and..yeah bueee


Word count
:1083 words

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