Chapter two

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Adrien's pov

The four teens stepped out of the cafe with full stomachs and smiles on their faces. Adrien knew if his father saw what he had just ate he would have to workout for five hours straight, but what he doesn't know can't hurt him.
   "Do you guys want to hang out at my place later?" Alya asked turning to look at the group in the process. She was now slightly ahead of them and walking backwards so she could look at them all. Nino smiled "of course". Adrien was about to say he would ask Nathalie before he remembered. He had patrol tonight with Ladybug. "I don't know" Marinette and him spoke at the same time then glanced at each other in surprise. "no your not doing this again" the pair looked at Alya, Adrien raised an eyebrow as a response. "What?" Mari laughed. "You guys are always busy! We are hanging out tonight and that's final." Alya was using her no nonsense reporter voice and the blond boy knew better then to fight her on it, as she would just win in the end anyways. "fine" Alya ignored how he grumbled that and smiled.
    "This is gonna be so fun!"  "But, I have to leave before 7pm". The red head turned to him with a frown before letting herself show she was happy again. "At least your coming" and with that she turned so she was looking forward and grabbed Nino's hand. Adrien turned to Mari wanting to talk about how Alya could get anything she wanted but stopped. Mari looked worried. "What's wrong?" The blue eyed girl looked at him for a second then shook her head. "nothing I just need to be home on time tonight". He nodded in understanding, boy he knew what that felt like. Not just because his father would get mad if he was home a fraction of a second late, but he would never want to let down his lady. The four walked the rest of the way in silence.


The school day had dragged on for what seemed like forever. When the final bell rang Adrien let out a content sigh. Natalie had agreed to let him go to Alya's which surprised him quiet a bit. But he was thankful for this rare occasion. Usually his afternoons were occupied by numerous photo shoots. The sixteen year old boy had always been big in the industry, as he was an Agreste. But after his growth spurt when he was fifteen all the company's and brands wanted him to represent them. He had grown quiet a bit and was now one of the tallest boys in his class. His father put him on diet regimens and had workouts planned to tone him since he was ten. Plus his adventures as Chat Noir didn't hurt either. Girls went crazy for him, a fact Nino loved to point out whenever his friend felt down. But there was only one girl he wanted. Still he took pride in how he looked even if it meant having even less free time then before.
   "Are you all ready? we only have four hours so let's get a move on" Alya rushed them all out of the building. The two boys shot eachother a worried glance. They knew how Alya could get some times.
  "Four hours is plenty of time Al" Marinette laughed. Red hair twirled in a frenzy as the girl stopped and spun to face her bestfriend. "It's never enough with you two" she gestured to Marinette and the blond boy beside her. "You both are always busy or run off at random times, I just want to be quick so we can actually hang out before one of you inevitably runs off" the pout across her face was begging Mari to drop her teasing. "Fine" the word came out as more of a grumble than an agreement. "Great!" Alya chirped, any traces of her previous emotions wiped from her face leaving the other teenage girl wondering if she was even upset at all. She figured it was better not to dwell on it and followed the group to her friends house.
"Chat leaned in, his hands tightening on the girls waist. Ladybug watched him get closer, her heart was rocking against her rib cage. The spotted super hero was usually very confident. However usually she was not pinned against a wall and her very attractive partner. Now she was left waiting, anticipating what was to come next. His lips hit hers softly, she tilted her head to help deepen the kiss. The gloved hands occupying her trim waist began to slide down. A moan escaped her mouth when his hands cupped her-"
"OKAY THATS ENOUGH" Marinette yelled out and snatched her bestfriends phone from her still scrolling hand. Adrien let out a breath he didn't know he was holding, he knew fan fictions about his partner and himself existed. But tended to tread in a safe zone of fluffy stories. He felt it was disrespectful to ladybug if he dared to think about her in that way. He knew how much she hated being sexualized. He would never forget the rant she went on after she was catcalled for the third time in the same day about five patrols ago. But Alya brought it up and now he just wanted to hear more. Also he couldn't wait to tell his lady how many people shipped them.
"Oh come on Mari we didn't even get to the good part yet" Alya teased reaching for the phone that was quickly pulled away from her outstretched hand. Mari had a pout on her face.
From across the room Adrien cleared his throat "It's about time I left anyways thanks for having me Alya, it was fun" he grabbed his jacket and motioned for Marinette to follow suit. He had offered to drive her home and didn't want to be late.
"Okay I'm just thankful we kept you for the whole four hours this time" Alya picked up her phone from the ground where the shorter girl had left it. Nino barked out a laugh. "There's a first time for everything". Adrien smiled and shook his head. "Miracles do happen" he opened the door allowing Marinette to step out first. Before it shut he stuck his head back through. "Oh and Alya, send me that link".

Patrol that night started earlier then he thought it would. His lady had been waiting for him at the meeting spot. "Well look what the cat dragged in" Chat laughed at his own pun. Although she rolled her eyes a playful smirk was splayed out on ladybugs face. "I'm busy tonight so why not get a head start". He nodded "makes sense, oh and Buggaboo I have something to tell you". She looked at him curiously silently egging him to finish his sentence. Adrien laughed to himself "now she was left waiting, anticipating what was to come next." Ladybug shook her head and sighed at him before her face brightened. "His lips hit hers softly, she tilted her head to help deepen the kiss".
Her happy demeanour quickly disappeared when she heard the boys strangled gasp. "M'lady did you-" A blur of spots swung by him quickly disappearing over the roof top. "TIME FOR PATROL" her voice rang out through the night. "THIS CONVERSATION ISNT OVER LADYBUG!" his face was blazing and he was thankful for the cool night air in that moment. She finished his sentence! Which only meant one thing. Ladybug read a ladynoir sin fan fiction.

I'm sorry it took so long guys🥺 but it's here now!

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 29, 2019 ⏰

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