Second Semester Starts!!

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It was a beautiful sunny day, with a big blue sky and countless clouds drifting everywhere. flowers sprouted by the feet of the students who are in the E-Class of Kunugigaoka Junior High. Today, the forest was lush and green. Today was also the day that second semester starts.

Class E's classroom was on a mountain covered by forests, in a building made out of wood. Not the best place to learn, but they stretch everyday climbing on the mountain.

Karma was sitting on the hill - he hiked onto the mountain early, for some reason that even he didn't know, but he was waiting for all the other students to arrive. He wasn't looking forward to second semester;that meant tests at every turn, mountains of homework, but worst of all-it meant that they were one year closer to the end of the world.

No, no. He wasn't quite kidding, as that was what he thought. The teacher of this class on the mountain was a giant yellow octopus dude who blew up about maybe seventy percent of the moon. That octopus became a teacher down on Earth and said that Class E must kill him before their graduation or else he will destroy Earth. So then the octopus is teaching the junior high students about how to kill him.

Karma Akabane -  a red haired boy with amber eyes, and notable sadistic intentions - laughed. He was in E-Class, but the more he thought about it, the more ridiculous it sounded. He looked at his hand;the same hand he used to be the first one to destroy one of Koro-sensei's slimy yellow tentacles. He thought about it even more, how the yellow octopus dude became some teacher with inhuman speed and was named Koro-sensei by his fellow students.

"Hey! Akabane-san!" a voice called, breaking Karma's train of thoughts about his teacher. He looked up, and spotted his best fried since middle school - Nagisa Shiota. Nagisa looked pretty average, maybe except the light blue hair and sapphire eyes that he has. Karma and Nagisa have pretty opposite personalities, but you know what they say - "Opposites Attract"? Or something like that, Karma thought. 

"Hey, Nagisa. No need for honorifics -  It's just Karma to you." he replied, smiling with the same, troublemaker sadistic smile that he always does.

"Okay then, Karma." Nagisa smiled too. He wondered what Karma was thinking about before Nagisa had called out to him - Karma had a far-away look on his face. Maybe because of term three? Karma would have to be busy, after that last fail with his exams, he probably had to take the tests more seriously.

It was intresting, because Karma had that exact thought at the same time.

"Excited for second semester...?" Nagisa asked, nervous for Karma's answer. With a curt nod, Karma replied, "No way! All of this with the exams, but then Koro-sensei will wipe out the world in just one year!!"

Actually, that was close to Nagisa's thoughts as well. "Uh, but still, are you going to try for number one...?"

"OF COURSE I AM!!! I AM NOT LOSING TO THAT IDIOT GAKUSHUU AGAIN!!" Karma yelled. It was true, he indeed did want to wipe that smug smile off of his academic rival's face. Gakushuu Asano, someone who looked somewhat like Karma, but with dim orange hair and stormy gray eyes. He reminded Karma of the calm before the storm.

Nagisa had thought that Karma would give an answer similar to the one he did. Karma probably didn't know it, but the rest of the class saw him as a pcycho oddball who is still a sadist. They all pretty much sweated like crazy when the assassination vacation went down, and he beat that man Grip when Grip was about twice Karma's size and had a grip (ahem, no pun intended) strong enough to crush steel. Class E all thought Karma had changed due to his speech, but then he pulled hot wasabi and spicy mustard and sqirted those down Grip's nose.

"Hello, you two!!" another voice called as both Karma and Nagisa turned to face the person. It was Kaede Kayano, green haired-classmate of theirs. Karma knew that Nagisa had a knack for Kayano, even if Nagisa didn't know himself.

The rest of the class began to pour in. "Mornin' Karma!" "Hey, Nagisa!" "How are you doing, Kayano?"

"Good morning, class! I see that you are all here?" the yellow octopus - sorry, Koro-sensei, said. Flying from nowhere, he was wearing his usual black graduation outfit. "This is the start of second semester;exams will be happening at the end of this semester as well, so be prepared!!"

The class sighed in a wave, and then everyone laughed as they went in the classroom.

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Meanwhile that was happening, in the main building of this junior high, Mr. Gakushuu Asano was gritting his teeth as his father, principal of the school, came to give his speech. "You are the pride of Kunugigaoka Junior High School," or "You let Class E beat you this time. But no matter. With my private coaching, you shall win against them."

Personally, Gakushuu - a orange haired boy with gray eyes and a cunning (but smug) attitude -  hated his father. Mr. Gakuho Asano acted like a centipede, whirling through people's minds and tinkling with their thoughts and head process. They never had a loving son-father relationship, but Gakushuu didn't care. He wanted to be number one again, so he can show his father that he doesn't need the principal to teach him.

But to be number one, he'll have to beat Karma Akabane.

Ack, that freak. He had ingenious grades and everything - and then his sadisity brings him down all the way to Class E!? He should of been in A-Class, so he could topple Gakushuu's father's gradeset down a notch. Akabane could of had the best teachings of the best, and maybe even get rid of some of Mr. Asano's expectations with that red-head jerk's own grades!

And that was why Gakushuu hated Karma Akabane. And that man, whom Gakushuu hated so much, was going to be walking down for the semester beginning assembly.

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Ring!  The bell rang. Time for the assembly. Fun, right? No way! Class-E will be made the laughingstock of the school again. Completely unfair how that works. At least, that's what Nagisa thought.

Mrs. Irina Jelavic, whom E Class called Mrs. Bitch, (of course, Karma started that trend, that daredevil) lead the way down the hill. Their other teacher, Mr. Tadaomi Karasuma (Mr. K), was at the end of the line, talking to Koro-sensei about the students.


"Yes, Karasuma?"

"Out of the students, do you think someone will get targeted for bullying?"

That, to Koro-sensei, was reasonable worry. In fact, he, the great octopus himself, also had worries about that. He was sure, behind the teachers' back, Nagisa Shiota was getting bullied. "Ah, yes, it is highly possible poor Nagisa will get bullied," he paused, "but I am sure that Mr. Akabane shall, ah, scare the main school students away." he commented.

Turned out, Koro-sensei was right, but Karma did a little tad more that scaring the main students away.

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