Part 1

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Hi I'm Lance. This is my story. So first things first. I am 18 as of writing this, I give myself tattoos (don't try at home), I am a YouTuber (Rottweiler855 cough cough), I am emo, I have instagram (wolfys.wolf.boy), and I do go to church. But let's go a little further back shall we.
So my story begins when I was born.
I was born in Albuquerque NM and live in a few different places in NM.
The we moved to TX for most of my childhood.
But when I was 13 my parents wanted to move back to NM next to a small town called Estancia.
So at first I thought it was going to be fun and amazing! But instead my parents decided to homeschool me as we lived in the middle of nowhere.
And I know I said we lived next to a small town but that was a 15 minute drive. That was the closest town to us at the time.
Sense I didn't go to public school and I lived in the middle of nowhere, I got super depressed cause I didn't have a opportunity to make new friends, or really get out much.
So I got super depressed and locked myself in my room 24/7, and played video gam y'all the time.
I know that sounds amazing to play video games all the time. But it's really not when it became you hole entire life.
And so I started to have thought such at like "I wish everyone in the whole world was dead so I can be alone." And like "if I was gone would anyone even care?"
Witch is a very bad thing to think about.
But I'll ask myself that question every day, and so one day I remember starting in front of my body mirror that I used to have.
With a old knife I used to have. (It was around 10inch)
Holding to my neck while m looking in the mirror, about to cut my throat.
But then I got a odd urge to gust put it down and go watch TV, and I didn't know why I got the strange urge to do so.
I was 100% ready and willing to do so without a single doubt in my mind. So I listened to the urge.
I put the knife on my dresser and went and watched TV in the living room.
And I was so confused on why I got that strange overwhelming urge to do so.

Part 2 will be out soon.

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