chapter 21

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autumns pov LISTEN TO NOT ABOUT ANGELS BY BIRDY while reading brb crying

it was 12.21am when i got a call from omaha hospital. 

nash and i got in the car and immediantly drove off.

and that leads us here now.

I wear my same jeans, big beige sweater and legwarmers with my tall boots. Pushing my way through the crowd in the hospital , with reporters , police officers. nash is behind me, holding my hand tightly. ive been crying my eyes out the whole way here.

 i meet the front desk and i slam my hand on the counter, causing the stupid nurse to jump.

"jack gilinsky. im his wife. i need to see him, where is the doctor whats going on." i shook.

nash pulls me in , he wears a black blazor and pats down my hair with his big hands. i sob louder.

"miss gilinsky, the doctor will be with you momentarily. as of right now, reporters and police officiers need to be cleared , it was a very very terrible accident.."

i tremble in nashs arms.

she picks up the announcer and speaks into the mic.

"everyone please exit the lobby and retreat to the building, we are calling security."

instantly everyone was rushed out the doors of the hospital.

"miss, she needs to see her husband, please ." nash croaks

"okay, im so sorry, the doctor is down that hall, please speak to him."

we rush around the hallway.

We reach a full hallway of doctors and nurses. I tap on a nurses shoulder. not caring how shitty my makeup is running down my face.

"Im Jack Gilinsky's wife."..

"The doctor will be with you shortly, miss. please sit here" she points to a row of seats outside of a hospital room.

I hold my head in my hands and my eyes are bloodshot and dead. im dizzy and i feel disgusting.


jack lays on his back with our babies, giiggling and giving us little kisses on our cheeks. 

i watch his biceps move back and forth as he picks up aubree and carasses her in his big strong arms, gently placing her in her crib. I melt as he turns towards to me, taking aiden from my arms. The babies calm down as we place them in their separate cribs. We turn the lights off and leave the room to let them sleep.

 Jack looks at me as I walk down the hallway.

"Why are you starring at me?"

"Because youre beautiful.." he winks.

He shoves me against the wall and mutters against my lips.

"i love you so much baby girl."

"i love you so much more."

"forever and always. youre all i need."

I smile at him.. "and youre all i ever need babe." i kiss his soft lips and smile at him.

end of flashback//

"its going to be okay , autumn. " nash rubs circles on my back and i keep rubbing my eyes, just remembering and remembering. 


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