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Y/N's P.O.V

The cadets are told to return to headquarters and report in what they saw as the team who handles the Colossal Titan incidents engage.

I go to headquarters with Eren and the others. I need to know they got there okay before any Titans got through the breach.

I watch as they all prepare, I see my brother freaking out. Not that I can blame him, Eren and Mikasa are there, but I still walk up.

I kneel down the other side of him, "Deep breaths Armin," I say looking at him, "We'll get through this I know it," I take his hand and get our foreheads together, "I promise," I stand up, "Alright listen up!" I yell attracting everyone's attention, "Some things I want you all to remember, have no regrets out there, act on your instinct if you aren't the leader don't lead unless something has happened, don't overthink attacks just go with the flow. I want to see a good size of you all back do you understand me!" I yell.

"MA'AM!" They all shout and salute.

I walk outside as they are all put in teams, I was with people I have never spoken to but they were full-fledged Garrisons.

We all head out in our teams, I lead my team as we zip to the breach. Our job is to take down as many as we can. If luck is on our side, we'll be taking a great majority of them down.

My team and I slice through the nape of the Titans neck, but unfortunately the team I was given they weren't the best fighters. I'm not the kind to retreat, but I'm alone and I can't stop them all when I'm alone.

I zip through the town taking down Titans as I move. I get people out of harms away and free them from a Titans hold.

I land on the roof, Mikasa, Conney and Armin are on. Armin is holding a blade and no gas, "I'll just hold onto this if no one minds. I'd rather this be my end than being eaten alive if I can help it," Armin says.

Mikasa throws the blade away, "Armin, I'm not leaving you behind."

"And if I hear that shit from your mouth again," I say and the three cadets look at me as I glare at Armin, "I'll beat you to a fucking plump," I walk to him and kneel down, "It's scary, but I promised we'll get through this and we will."

"Y/N Where's your squad?" Mikasa asks and I stand up.

"You're talking to it... Turns out they decided to give me a team of none fighters," I sigh shaking my head.

"You don't even mourn them?" Connie asks shocked at my lack of emotion.

"I didn't know them, and I mourn for the fallen when it's quiet not while more are dying," I look them, "Do the same, try not to let your emotions control your fighting, you lose your aim instantly."

I grab Armins hand, "Let's get to headquarters and refill on gas," I say and we start running.

"Wait!" Armin pulls his hand out of mine, "I have an idea, but it's a long shot."

"What is it?" I ask, "Remember act on instinct with no regrets Armin."

"Well, it's actually up to you three as you're the only ones who can pull this off," He says and points to a Titan killing others, "We could draw him to HQ and let him loose on the other Titans."

"Are you nuts?!" Connie questions.

"It's a long shot I know..." Armin says

"I'm in," I say.

"Same here," Mikasa says.

I grab Armin, "Connie, trust him he is a genius," I compliment my brother before we follow Armins plan.

We zip past the Rouge Titan and it starts to follow us to HQ. I keep an eye on Armin who is holding onto me as we burst through a window in HQ where Jean's team were.

Connie slaps Armin on the back, "We did it Armin! From now on where I'm concerned, your word is the law!" He stands up and points to the Rogue Titan, "Check it out. We found a rare one. He has a bone to pick with his own kind and he doesn't care about us! We could just let him loose and he can kill all the titans for us!"

"Are you nuts?! There's no way that would work!" Jean says.

"It is working," Mikasa says, "For some unknown reason he only attacks his own kind and he doesn't care about us."

"I have another plan," Armin says and I look at him then nods. He starts telling everyone his plan about getting rid of the Titans in the basement.

We go follow through with Armin's plan and I stand beside him in the lift as all my blades are dull. We carry out the plan once all titans are in range.

Those in the lift blind them with gunshots and Sasha, Mikasa, Annie, Connie, Jean Reiner Berthold all attack the nape of their necks.

It works and we start refilling our gas tanks and stocking up on new blades.

We leave HQ and I land by Armin and Mikasa seeing the Rouge Titan being eaten by its own kind, "Disgusting..." I comment on watching the scene.

"Can he not regenerate like the others?" Armin asks and we watch as the Rouge Titan attacks the other by biting their necks.

He ends up falling to the floor when he's finished. Hot air leaves the titans body and something emerges from the nape of the neck.


Mikasa jumps down and runs to him. She hugs then, "Jean bring them up," I say and he nods doing as he's told.

Mikasa keeps hold of Eren soon starts crying. Armin does too he holds Eren's hands, "What the hell happened?" He asks intertwining their fingers to find out if it's real.

I look at the dead titans, "That means... Eren did all of this," I say and look at the boy, " What happened to him... Truly," I walk to him and kneel down and hug him as well.

I try not to cry in relief of him being alive, but a few tears don't listen to my wishes and fall anyway.

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