Chapter one

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It was a good first impression, at least in Parker's mind, as the door to her new apartment building which she stood in front of was painted a bright sea blue.

Other doors on the street had no such character.

There was a silver board next to the door which held 6 buttons each accompanied with a small piece of paper.

Flat A: Brooks and Jasper
Flat B: Paul Anderson
Flat C: Carlos and Jane Russo
Flat D: Ida Peterson
Flat E: Kate Brown and Parker Miller
Flat F: Alana and George Ricci

Her name had already been added, that was nice. She pulled out the key that she had just collected from the letting agent and let herself in, pulling her two large brightly coloured suitcases along behind her.

She was greeted with a large, grey and in her opinion rather dirty hallway which held the doors to the first two flats on either side and the stairs at the end. Flat B had a plain black door, very little character being portrayed. Flat A however, had their door wide open and loud music could be heard slipping into the hallway.

Parker, with curiosity over taking her, poked her head into the first apartment.

It was exactly how ever student/new graduates apartment was, a little run down but with a lot of character. A boy, about Parker's age give or take a few years, strolled into the kitchen, almost jumping a bit when he spotted the small brunette in the doorway.

"So sorry to startle you" Parker laughed, moving forward slightly "I'm Parker Miller, I'm moving in upstairs"

The boys eyes widened with realisation and a smile spread to his face. "Oh yeah with Katie. I'm Jasper"
He was smaller than the average male but well built with short golden blonde hair. His hand shake was very firm.

"Nice to meet you, I have to say I like your place" She beamed, her eyes trailing over the walls which were littered with Polaroid's and band posters "You like music I see, the courteeners are a good choice"

"Got to admit most of those are actually my roommates" he smiled coyly.

"What are mine?" A voice broke through as a thick haired, tall, brunette boy strolled into the room. His eyes fell to Parker and immediately his hand was stuck out in front of her.

"I'm Brooks, Jaspers roommate"

Parker smiled in return "Parker, just moved in upstairs, I was just complimenting your choice in music" she pointed out.

"Can't deny the classics"

The door behind burst open, slamming against the wall. A man of about 40 stepped out of flat B before stopping and staring at the three young adults in front of him.

"Hello! You must be Paul right? I'm Parker, I've just been introducing myself to everyone" Parker jumped over to him to shake his hand. He stared blankly at her hand before lightly shaking it. He appeared taken back at Parker's enthusiasm.

"Welcome to the building" He spoke in a monotone voice before heading straight for the door and out onto the street, leaving Parker looking rather shocked.

"Don't worry about that geezer, he's a grumpy old sod" Brooks spoke and Jasper shook his head in agreement "could make a child cry just by walking past them I bet"

Parker laughed slightly.

"Well I better be getting up but it was lovely meeting you both!" Parker gleamed, turning to pick up her bags. Brooks moved forward and picked up one of the large bags for her, starting to make his way up the stairs.

"I like the colour" He gestured to the glowing bag he was holding.

Parker smiled "Thank you, never going to lose them at the airport was my thoughts, plus I just love them"

Flat E's door was newly painted white with a large letter E on the front and the names Kate Brown and Parker Miller scribbled on a board in the centre. Brooks knocked before Parker could pull out her keys and was faced with a tall, strawberry blonde haired girl.

"Hey Brooks" her eyes then shifted to Parker "oh you must be Parker"

"That's me" she beamed and Katie moved out the way to the Parker and Brooks in with all her stuff and straight to her room which was located on the left.

It wasn't that bad, not really.

Yes, it was small and dark and had little to no character but that could be fixed.

This would be fine.

As Parker stood in the doorway to her new bedroom these were the thoughts that entered her mind. She loved a challenge and this was definitely it but if there was one thing that she was it was an optimist - most of the time anyway.

"Yeah, so this is your room" The ginger by her side stated unenthusiastically. "It's not much but it does the job"

"It's great, just needs a bit of character is all and I'm definitely up for the task" Parker beamed. Katie Brown stared at her blankly for a moment before letting her eyes travel to the brightly coloured sparkly suitcases in her hallway. Their presence alone had already given the apartment more colour than it had seen in years and it was at that moment, as Katie looked back to the huge glowing eyes and the gleaming grin of the girl in front of her, she wondered just what she had gotten herself into.

Nevertheless she shot her a smile. "Okay, well when you're done unpacking I'll explain how everything works around here"

"Thank you" Parker called to Katie who turned to walk into the kitchen.

Parker was a woman of many interests. Firstly, she was a chemistry graduate, having just completed her masters a few months prior. All things science seemed to be right up her ally and had always been her centre focus. Her other thoughts however fell to fashion and design. She was all for working hard and moving up in the world but she was also determined to look fabulous while doing so.

So as she stared at the room ahead of her, the small amount of dread she felt was pushed a side and replaced with determination to make this room into something she would be happy to call home. New sheets and rugs, as well as plants, candles and fairy lights were added until the room looked like something that would be presented on 60 minute makeover. Her sheets were clean, white and pressed with blue and pink pillows settled on top. Above the bed frame she had placed posters and pictures including that of Breakfast at Tiffany's and Roman Holiday, her favourite classics. Her shoes were laid out carefully and her clothes hung by colour order.

Katie was impressed, she had never bothered to do such things to her room which had pretty much stayed in the condition that it started but Parker's enthusiasm was starting to give her a surge of motivation.

"Wow it looks great" Katie admitted and Parker gave her a soft smile.

"Well I am ready to be filled in" Parker grinned and Katie walked with her to the sofa in the kitchen where Brooks was already sat with his feet up on the sofa which Katie knocked off immediately.

"Well to start obviously I'm Katie, I'm an accountant and I work just down the street so I'll be there if you lose your key or something." Katie began but as she looked at the charismatic brunette sat in front of her she felt like that probably wouldn't be a problem. "There are 6 flats in this block. The top is Alena and George, a couple about our age and very friendly, then it's us, then Carlos and Jane with baby Vincent, then Ida Peterson, then Paul something - I can't remember he just moved in and bottom floor is Brooks and Jasper, as you know" She pointed to the brunette next to her with a slight eye roll that only made him smile.

"Everyone's pretty social, we have the occasional get together on the roof so you can meet everyone there"Brooks  finished explaining.

Parker nodded in return with a grin. It did all sound wonderful.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 01, 2019 ⏰

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