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I was so close to happiness.

....Then I came down again....

Stretching, Elle looked lazily around the kitchen, feeling bored as she ate her cereal. Blue laid on the table near her now empty bowl, trying to come up with something to do.

The only sound was the nearby fan that was pointed toward him since he had dramatically collapsed a few minutes ago.

"Why Don't We Swim?" He questioned hopefully as he sat up.

"Sorry, we can't. You're still healing."

He groaned and laid back down, a small pout on his face as he crossed his arms. "This Is Boring!"

The whining summoned Rebecca as she popped around the corner, looking done with this Bittys sh*t. Blue immediately shut up at the stern gaze, sweating slightly as he smiled. "Oh, Hey Rebecca! What Are You Doing?"

She sighed and shook her head, looking like she was trying not to smile as she walked over with a phone in her hand. "Why don't you call your boyfriend?"

Jumping to his feet, Blue sputtered wildly. "Boyfriend! No! He Hardly Knows Me! Yeah, He Seems Kinda Cute And Nice And.. Whatever! I Cant Force Him Into Anything He Doesnt Feel Comfortable With Anyway!"

His entire body had turned a bright blue, a very confused expression on his face as his eyelights flickered awkwardly around the room. Not really knowing what to do with himself, he quickly regained his stride as he took the phone.

"T-Thank You, Rebecca! I Shall Text Him To See If He Would Like To Eat Out With Me!"

Holding back an inappropriate joke, Rebecca nodded and walked back into the void of her bedroom.

Elle looked down at the phone as she watched Blue open the contacts. Putting in the phone number he's already memorized, he created a text.

' Hello, Space! It Is Me, Blue! We Met At The Mall! I Thought You Looked Cute- '


' -Nice '


' -Hot '


' -Friendly, So I Was Wondering If We Could Go And Eat Somewhere! Hope To See You Soon! '

He hit send, not noticing the stifled laughter of his friend as she watched. Spinning around, he put his hands on his hips, trying to hide his nervousness as he puffed out his chest.

"I'm Sure He'll Answer Back Soon!" He assured himself before sitting down and staring at the phone, earning a smile from Elle. "Of course he will. No one can resist hanging out with you."

Blue tensed before snapping his head around in surprise, his cheeks dusting blue before a wide grin spread across his face. "You're Right! And If He Is Busy, We Can Just Go By Ourselves!"

A sudden buzzing sound made both of their heads snap toward the phone, noticing the new text bubble at the same time as they smiled.

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