Chapter 4

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After all of that in the morning tal took me to ihop and we got a couple's breakfast meal and eent for a ride aroundour neighborhood! It was great! The wind blowing in my hair felt good! Almost as good as tal being touchy~ after the ride around our neighborhood we went to the gym for about 1 hour then went home. After we filmed a video together sharing the news we watched netflix in my room and went to bed. We planned a date night on every friday while it was monday... man, i wish it was thursday so tomorrow could be friday but it isnt... so i couldnt sleep so i just cuddled with tal until i could! Tal was very comfy so i slept well!

In the morning i felt weird... my butthole stinged! (XD) probably still from that "thing" tal did... i ignored it as i woke at dawn. Tal was still sleeping so i took a shower without him and got my cloths on. When i came out of the bathroom tal was awake and only in a towel!? "Taaalalalalalaallllll!!!!" Covering my eyes, one second later i felt a warm liquid on my neck. I turned around to see tal hovering over mewhen i accidentally tripped. "Just get up" he laughed when he helped me up. He then carried me to my closet as he put me down to pick his cloths. "Tal ima go downstairs!" Then i went downstairs to see the only person down there was jason.
"Hey jason!"
"Hey caylus.."
"Is anything wrong?"
(Pretend this put because most of us know that jason will never have a girlfriend, not to come off rude but i mean...)"My girlfriend broke up with me..."
I hugged jason as he, for the first time, hugged me back. "Its gonna be okay jason! You still have a giant family here!" Jason had a light blush as he replied with "thank you!" And ran to his room almost running into tal as he swept passed."What was that about?" Tal asked, "Jason's girlfriend broke up with him.. i hope he gets over it though." I replied sadly.

We were at the gym as tal was next to me watching me do some push ups. Someone came up to me and asked if i wanted to do push ups with HIM. I politely declined but a few minutes later he asked again. I AGAIN politely declined, after he left Tal asked me "if he comes here again do you want me to interrupt him?" I replied with- "no its okay!" I smiled. AGAIN a few minutes later the guy went up to me and asked it again but i stood up up and told him AGAIN no. Suddenly he pulled me to him and grabbed my
a$$. Tal suddenly stood up and pulled me away as the guy winked at me as soon as tal pulled me away and took me home.

(Sorry i havent been uploading and since no one is gonna read this, as soon as i upload this ill make a short update TwT but in all of my new updates ill try to get at least 500 words plus this UwU. Also i found out my mother blocked wattpad from the wifi so i ahev to upload in service TwT. Bye guys!!)

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