Together again.

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Jungkook and Taehyung got close more than they were before in the "real world" , they didnt really talk about why they were there, but they were happy to see each other there.

They couldnt touch as much as they wanted to, maybe hold hands a little until they thought a helper would see them. luckily they didnt have that asshole this week, he was on "vacation" but was most likely with the girlfriend he would always brag about to the patients, telling them they could never get a girlfriend as hot as her or a girlfriend at all.

He was such a dick, he knew it would effect the patients in some way.

It was finally lunch time an Jungkook stayed in the line waiting for his turn, but glancing around looking for Taehyung, "Here baby, have a good meal" The lunch lay said with a smile, "Thank you." Jungkook smiled "How you been baby? hope youve been behaving good" The lunch lady said smiling, "Ive been good, and I have been behaving." Jungkook said with a smile, "Good well keep walking I dont want junsun getting grumpy, you know how he gets." the lady smiled, Jungkook lighlt chuckled and kept moving, then going to sit down, waiting for Taehyung.

Jungkook ate and spaced out a little bit, he was going to see the therapist this week, should he tell him about Taehyung? or was she going to think he was going crazy again? but he isint crazy, Taehyung is real. Right? Jungkooks thoughts bounced around his head, not letting him catch up. 

He came back from his thoughts when he heard a light "hey", Jungkook looked up and it was Taehyung, he was sitting down across from him, "What were you thinking about? you were staring at your food pretty hard?" Taehyung said smiling.

Jungkook blushed a little bit out of embarrassment, "Nothing"

"Oh okay." Taehyung said smiling at the light pink on his cheeks.

"Well I have a roomate now, he going through withdraws and its really scary." Taehyung said picking at his food.

"Really? Must be tough to go through withdraws, what did he use?" Jungkook asked out of curiosity

Taehyung paused "Heroine" 

"Holy shit, he must be going through hell. You know his name?"

"We talked a little when he first came in, he said his name was nikki. I feel bad for him...He was sweating and tossing and turning at night." Taehyung couldnt make eye contact.

Jungkook noticed the effect seeing that scene on Taehyung, "He'll get better baby, dont worry."

Hearing that nickname again calmed Taehyung a little bit.

"Yeah youre right." 

Psychopath Chapter TwoWhere stories live. Discover now