Chapter 4.

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The group sits in a single hotel room, watching as Liams' shown repeatedly smashing the paparazzi's camera to the concrete below as the crowd gasps in horror. Then his curse words are bleeped out on the television as cameras are pushed into his face. Everyone is quiet as we watch the "breaking news" flash across the screen.

"This isn't good Liam..." Paul whispers as he clicks the television off.

"Well shit Paul, was I just expected to let them push Charlie and the baby to the ground?" Liam says as he rises from the edge of the bed.

"I understand why you did it..." Paul explains as he shakes his head, "you're just going to suffer some consequences from this and I want you to know that."

"Like what?" Liam mutters, "Are they going to fine me? Fire me? Ask me to apologize?"

"I'm not sure what they're going to do Liam." Paul shrugs, "The man might press charges."

"Ask me if I give a fuck..." Liam mutters as he paces around the still silent room.

Charlie is with Gracie in the room next door. Luckily, Gracie is now fast asleep and has hopefully already forgotten about the mess that went on only hours ago. Unfortunately, the media and the public have not. Instead, this will probably be a breaking story for the next few days, if not the next few weeks.

"Listen..." Paul whispers quietly on the other side of the room, "everyone go to your rooms and try to relax for the night. Hopefully this will all be sorted out by the morning."

We all slightly nod our heads as we venture out of the single hotel room and into our own rooms. My room is mostly dark with one light being on in the corner of the bedroom. As soon as I turn the corner I can see Gracie fast asleep in Charlies' arms. Charlie rocks her back and forth, calmly singing nursery rhymes to our sleeping baby.

"Hi..." I murmur in the shadows of the room.

She stops singing her nursery rhyme as her eyes wander up to meet mine. She cracks a slight smile before returning her gaze back down onto Gracie. She runs her fingers into Gracies' curls as she places a gentle kiss on her forehead before rising from the bed. She places her into a travel crib besides our bed as she turns to face me, her arms tight across her chest.

"Harry..." she whispers, her eyes already filling with tears.

"Come here..." I respond, walking towards her as I pull her into my arms.

She sobs into the crook of my neck as her hands squeeze the nape of my neck. I squeeze her as tight as I possibly can as tears form in my own eyes, blurring my vision. I'm thankful for Liam tonight. I'm thankful that he views my family as his own and know that he and any of the other boys would do anything for them.

"I'm so sorry for being an emotional wreck." she sobs into my neck as she slightly pulls away from my hug.

"Sweetheart..." I murmur as I wipe away a tear on her cheek, "you don't ever have to be sorry."

She nods her head calmly as she attempts to regain control of her emotions. The two of us glance over to the travel crib in the corner of our room, hoping that our racket hasn't awoken a sleeping Gracie. We're lucky because we find that corner of the room completely silent as Gracie lies frozen in her pajamas.

"Is Liam okay?" Charlie asks as she turns to look back up at me.

"Yeah," I lie, "I think he's fine."

"You don't think he'll get in trouble right?" she asks with a shrug of her shoulders, "I mean, he was just protecting us. That's all it was..."

"I know." I nod. "I really think he'll be okay."

"Yeah," she nods as she tries to convince herself, "yeah, I'm sure you're right. Liam will be fine. Everything will be fine."

"Exactly." I smile, "We should really get to bed. We have a busy day tomorrow."

"When's your first interview?" she asks as she walks towards her luggage at the end of the bed.

"At 7:00 a.m..." I say as I remove my shirt.

"What time will you be waking up then?" she asks as she pulls pajamas into her arms.

"Maybe around five or so..." I shrug.

"Okay," she nods, "wake me up too please?"

"Of course." I smile as I place a kiss on her forehead.

"I'm going to take a quick shower." she says as she begins heading towards the hotel room bathroom.

"Ooh..." I tease, "mind if I join?"

"I mean..." she smiles as she turns around, "I suppose you can."

"Fantastic..." I laugh as I bite my bottom lip.

Early the next morning a booming fist pounds on our hotel room door. I groan quietly into my pillow as I blink awake. Gracie begins fussing in her travel crib as I slowly rise to my feet. I pull a robe over my half naked body as I pick Gracie up and into my arms. She grasps onto my robe as the two of us walk towards the pounding coming from the door.

"Yes?" I say sleepily as I swing the door open.

Paul stands in front of me, all dressed in black as his leans against the door frame. Gracie smiles at him as she buries her head into my neck. Paul isn't smiling as he takes a deep breath in. Whatever it is, Paul is pissed.

"What is it?" I ask, furrowing my eyebrows.

"It's Liam..." Paul whispers, "he's been arrested."

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Soooo, I know this was a super short chapter and I'm really sorry! A lot of my extra time goes into my other story, "The Stranded Ring" but I knew that I drastically needed to update this. I've been working full time so I barely ever have the time to update anyways. However, that's really no excuse. Anyways, I really hope that you guys love this chapter! If you do, please click the "vote" button and leave a comment below telling me what you liked, loved or hated about it! xx Sarah

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