Part 4

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It shouldn't have gone like this. Why are they here, shouting at each other? Tanjirou should have been on the bed while Zenitsu sat next to him. That's how it should've been, right?

Tanjirou was at a loss for words. The angel gazing right at him thought of himself as weak. As worthless. As useless. If only he could see what Tanjirou saw, a beauty meant for the heavens whose mere existence brought him happiness.

"Zenitsu, I'm sorry," The scar bearing teen's hand gently patted a teardrop away from the yellow-haired boy's cheek. His tears made his under-eye a bit red, and his nose also took on a shade of pink. His hurt expression made Tanjirou want to punch himself for making him feel this way. "I don't think you're worthless. On the contrary, I think you're amazing," He smiled a bit sorrowfully.

Zenitsu let out a dry laugh. He tore his gaze away from Tanjirou and stared at the wall instead. "You should get an award for being the world's best liar."

"Zenitsu, listen to me," Tanjirou added, his tone a bit hurrying.

"Oh, I'm listening alright," Zenitsu still focused his eyes on the wall. His heart still burning with anger, this time, no tears were shed. "Listening to all the crap you're going to spew out."



"I love you."

Zenitsu's eyes widened. The sudden confession made Zenitsu's brain stop functioning. Slowly, the frustration in him morphed into uneasiness, then into bashfulness. His pale face turned all shades of pink before he countered Tanjirou's confession. "W-w-what a load of bullshi-"

"I've always been in love with you." Tanjirou interrupted his response, causing Zenitsu's head to snap back to Tanjirou. "Everything about you makes my heart flutter. Honest,"
Tanjirou continued, making the blonde blush even harder. Zenitsu stumbled on his words before muttering something. Tanjirou didn't catch that and merely cocked his head.

"I... If you liked me so much all this time, then why didn't you tell me?!" The response made Tanjirou flinch. A couple of seconds passed before Tanjirou's response.

He smiled softly. "I thought you were afraid of me," Tanjirou confessed.

Hearing that, Zenitsu's frowned. He thought Zenitsu was afraid of him? Ridiculous! Ever since Zenitsu met him, he had always admired him. The way he talked, acted, fought... "Of course not, dummy. I... I've always loved you too." Zenitsu shot Tanjirou a genuine smile.

Tanjirou grinned after finally seeing Zenitsu beam again. Zenitsu's happiness is so contagious! After a while, the two laughed together (Tanjiro initiated the laughter). What were they arguing a couple of minutes ago? It seemed completely pointless now. "Zenitsu," Tanjirou finally spoke, breaking the giggling. "I never meant to make you feel like I didn't trust you. The truth is..." Tanjirou's smiling face turned sour, and that made Zenitsu take on a worrying expression. "I never wanted you to get hurt. So I've always tried to do things alone. I went here to practice so I can get stronger for you, but it ended terribly."

"Tanjirou!" Zenitsu replied, feeling guilty for making Tanjirou feel responsible for Zenitsu's safety. "I can take care of myself, even if I do need some outside help! So from now on, you have to let me help you, okay?"

The two exchanged a smile before Tanjirou thought for a bit. His sudden shift of expression made the blonde curious, "Tanjirou...?"

"I'll let you help me," Zenitsu grinned at Tanjirou's acceptance, but Tanjirou still had something to add, "If you kiss me right now."

There was a pause where Zenitsu processed what Tanjirou just said. "K-k-kiss! Wh-what?!" Zenitsu blurted. Tanjirou laughed at the blonde's distress.

His hand gestured to his own face, "Kiss kiss?" His lips pouted a little, and his tone was obviously teasing the smaller teen, "Spare kiss? Spare kiss, ma'am?"

"D-don't call me ma'am!" Zenitsu glanced around, searching if people were secretly watching them. He spotted no one and took a deep breath. He turned to see the raven-haired boy's grinning face. God, he wanted to kiss him so bad.

Zenitsu slowly leaned down to his own lap where Tanjirou was laying after all those times, even when they were arguing. He held his hands to Tanjirou's red cheeks. Their lips touched for a moment. Even when Zenitsu's eyes were closed, at that very moment, it felt like Zenitsu could see Tanjirou's eyes gazing at him, though Tanjirou probably closed his eyes too.

The moment was broken by Tanjirou indiscreetly trying to slip his tongue to Zenitsu's mouth, where Zenitsu instantly jerked back.

"No, no, no!! M-my heart isn't ready for that yet!" Zenitsu yelled, taking his hands away from Tanjirou's face and placing them to his face, trying to hide his lips.

Tanjirou was a bit taken aback by Zenitsu's flustered reaction, but after seeing the smaller boy's flushed face, he chuckled. "That's fine. I got a taste of you either way." He slowly removed Zenitsu's hand off from his face, revealing a pouting teen.

Zenitsu growled when Tanjirou laughed at him. That's when Zenitsu realized something. He gasped out loud, causing Tanjirou to jump out of his lap for a bit. Tanjirou missed Zenitsu's lap and hit his head on the floor, which made Zenitsu scramble to help him. Finally, Tanjirou sat on his own, relieving Zenitsu's lap.

The two share a peaceful, quiet moment before Zenitsu yelled, "T-That's right! T-tanjirou!!! You're supposed to be sick!" The sudden realization of it made Zenitsu panic and flail his arms around. "W-we should get you to bed!"

"Ah," Tanjirou answered, scratching his chin. He thought of something and put a finger on Zenitsu's lips. "It seems like your kiss healed me." He flirted, but Zenitsu was having none of it.

"Oh, hush!" Zenitsu scolded, "Come on, I'll carry you to your room." Tanjirou laughed a bit at the panicked teen, before closing the gap between the two and pressing their lips together. Their faces turned red almost instantly, and Zenitsu's posture stiffened a bit before finally relaxing.

He muttered something after the kiss, and Tanjirou tilted his head, asking what's wrong. Zenitsu tore his head away from Tanjirou and covered his face with his hand.

" more time."
Tanjirou chuckled then nodded and placed Zenitsu's hand to his own. Giving in to his boyfriend's desire, Tanjirou gave him one last peck.

author's note :
AYY im done. well, not really done. theres still one more chapter after this but i think its a short one. but AYYY im done!! ngl i thought this would take a year bc i procrastinate a lot akhskajsj

edit: in reality im not done bc i didnt proofread this at all and everything sucks
wtf is with this pacing and why was my grammar all over the place jfc

One more time (Kamado Tanjirou x Agatsuma Zenitsu from Demon Slayer)Where stories live. Discover now