Chapter 6

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(Y/n) POV)

Hm... I'm still in so much pain.. I used.. Bakugos arm.. As a pillow? Heh, doesn't bother me too much. "Agh!" In.. So much... Pain... Oh no. I think I woke him up. "Hm? Oh. How you feeling." He got up and replaced his arm with a huge teddy bear.

I squeezed it so hard that my muscles started going numb. He soon left me in my bed and made soup. I could barely get up and eat but I managed. Bakugo already notified the school on what happened and let me take about a week or 2 off.

Bakugo had to go to school so I stayed in bed the whole time. I wish there was someone with healing powers to help with this pain. But I'm tired. Agh.

Soon Bakugos dad came in to check on me. I told him I was fine but, I didn't know if I really was. I didn't know why I was feeling this pain. Did I use my quirk? Is that why my body hurts? I don't know. Soon while I was left to my thoughts I dozed off.

"(Y/n)! Wake up!" Hm? "You've been asleep for 2 days now wake up!" I tried to open my eyes but I was so weak.

"Mm.. Shush... My head..." I tried to stand up but automatically fell on the ground. "Agh!" Bakugo picked me up and placed me back on the bed. "Bakugo..." I quickly grabbed onto his shirt and pulled him into a tight hug. He gave in, hugging my lightly. After a long hug, he felt me loosing consciousness.

Once I woke up again I felt perfectly normal. Hm? That's weird. Was that all a dream. I got up and started walking around. It felt so weird to walk around.

I walked to the kitchen and made some grilled cheese sandwiches for everyone home. They were surprised to see me walking fine. I wonder what was so bad to make me feel so much pain.

"(Y/n).." I hummed before Bakugo spoke his next words. "You have to go back to school tomorrow." I let a tiny giggle as I met his eyes. "I know silly!" He had a soft smile. A soft yawn escaped my lips. "I'm gonna go to bed now, make sure to wake me up if my alarm doesn't go off." I left the room. "Night loser!" Bakugo screamed from the other room.

It was about 12 a clock when I heard someone enter my room. It was probably Bakugos mom with my uniform. I stayed fast asleep.

"(Y/n), wake up." I turned over to see Bakugo, "Is it morning already?" He shook his head slightly. I was very confused as I sat up to see what he wanted. I turned on my lap to see him clearly. He quickly gave me a soft hug. I felt water droplets fall down my neck. Do we have a leak? I looked at the ceiling, nothing. Was that coming from Bakugo? "Are you... Okay?" I gave in his hug, still very confused. "Do you remember anything from about a week ago?" That question... It took a few minutes for me to answer, I didn't remember anything. "N-no.. I don't.."

He explained everything to me as I was in complete shock. "That's why you were in pain.."

I gripped onto his shirt as I cried into his shoulder. I few small tears fell off his face onto my shoulder. "Thank you... Thank you for telling me.." I was still hanging onto him so tight. This is so hard to hear.

He let go, leaving me to my sleep. When he closed the door I broke down into more tears. How can people do that.

Once I calmed completely I walked into Bakugos room. "C-can I sleep with you?" He looks at me a second before responding with him patting at an empty spot by his bed. I soon snuggled close to his warm chest. "Why are you so nice to me?" I was surprised as those words rolled off my tongue. "I don't know. I've known you my whole life and your the only one who has been there for me whenever I needed help." I look up and see him smile.

God even when he's rude to others, he always has the kindest words I've ever heard.

I stared into his sharp red eyes. His eyes are so beautiful. Once I've felt tired, I buried my head into his chest and fell asleep. Though I was asleep, I felt him playing with my hair to soothe me.

"(Y/n)!! Get up! We got school!" Ugh... I quickly get up and get dressed. The uniform wasn't that tight anymore since I lost a lot of weight from being sick.

"Let's go!" I grab for Bakugos arm and pull him outside. I was excited to go back to school. He was a little shocked by my happy instinct. "Today we are going to the USJ for rescue training." Bakugo seemed serious as he spoke those words. "I want you to stick by me. We work good as a team." I look at him with a promising expression. "Wasn't planning on running off with someone else, besides I barely know anyone."

(About an hour later)

We got to the USJ and it looked way much cooler than expected. Everyone was asking if I was alright and I told them about how my quirk makes me really sick, though I didn't tell them about anything else.

Once we got inside we were greeted by Mr. Aizawa and hero Thirteen. Everyone was listening to Mr. Aizawa speak as for me I was looking around. Wait what's that purple light?

I see this purple fog in the middle of the arena. "Mr. A-Aizawa... What's that?" As soon as I spoke he turned straight around. "Villains." Everyone was very suprised. Villians? Here? Now? Oh dear god.

Randomly everyone was teleported in all different locations. Me, Bakugo, and Kirishima ended up right by each other.

"Fuck these bastards are easy to beat." Bakugo seemed so confident.
"Not for me, I really can't use my quirk that much." Bakugo let a soft sigh while Kirishima was questioning why I can't use my quirk.

We all made an agreement that I just sit while they handle the villians that were attacking our location. All I did while they were fighting was doing cartwheels and backflips. Suddenly a big flash of purple fog flashed in front of me. Bakugo didn't notice it there. One man came through grabbing me "Bakugo! Help!" I tried calling. Bakugo turned so fast. The man pushed me through a portal of some sort.

Forgeting the light (BakugoxReader) COMPLETED, unedited Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang