To Be Whole [Dimitri x Fem! Byleth]

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An unfocused eye filled with torment, only to be covered with disheveled hair. Laughter filling the air, completely drowning out their cries of pain.

She has to do something, but what can she do?

The foul stench of blood and ash overwhelms her sense of smell. Each inhale adds endless layers of guilt in her heart. How did this happen? 

This was supposed to be a normal supply run… why did the Imperials invade?

'You've failed him.' The thought rings true in her mind and for a second, she almost believes it.

No, no…

This isn't right, she can fix this! All she needs is-

"Pay attention, Professor!"

Another sickening crunch resounded through her ears. Byleth turned around to train her eyes on the male's figure. She successfully managed to hide the grimace from the blonde in front of her.

This really wasn't the time to be distracted, that soldier would have stabbed her right through with no mercy.

The battlefield was silent, no enemy was left for her to worry about. Steeling her nerves, Byleth turned to focus on Dimitri once more.

"We don't have time for this, I don't need healing." He groaned as he took a step to move out of Byleth's way, only for his body to slump forward.

Falling into his knees, Dimitri tried to push himself up, only to fall again with another harsh breath. His armor clanking softly as he kneeled before her, defeated.

"Now, now Dimitri. It will only take a moment, please be patient. The battle is clearly won." Byleth stepped around the scattered bodies to stand behind Dimitri. Opening her inventory, Byleth took a moment to dig through her bag to find some sort of healing potion. 

The flames became too much for Annette and Mercedes to handle so they retreated to the monastery. Leaving them with no healer and no matter how far she dug into her bag, no vulnerary or concoction was in sight. 

Ahhh, why did it have to be like this?


Don't call me by that name, especially since I've failed you… please.

There's gotta be something around here, anything that can help him stop the bleeding.

Like a distant friend, anxiety slithered its way into her heart as doubts festered into her mind. She's been in this situation before and yet she can't seem to remember what to do!

After pacing back and forth a thousand times, she finally thought to use the fabric of her skirt. 

Dimitri could only stare in awe as she used the very edge of her sword to cut off the front of her skirt. Being the nobleman that he is, Dimitri shakily turned his head away from her to focus on the charred ground beneath him as he tried to stop himself from blushing.

Byleth took the initiative to help him limp over to the nearest stall for cover. Now that it was destroyed, the only protection they had was the banner overhead. Even that was charred from the flames. 

After carefully removing his chest plate, Byleth could only exhale in horror at the gaping hole in his stomach. How the man managed to fight for this long completely behooved her.

"Dimitri…" She brokenly whispered as she carefully lifted him up to start wrapping the torn fabric around him. There was warm blood everywhere, she barely knew where to start in order to clean the wound.

He hardly knew what to make of the expression she was making as she worked, so he silenced his thoughts to focus on the blazing pain in his side. Damn it all, he should've been more careful. But when he gets into his fits of rage, it's difficult for him to worry about his welfare like usual. 

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