Still Not Over

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Despite the battle being won, Bakugou didn't make it home until hours past the rise of the sun. The gang leaders had spent the night at their usual spot, planning how they would move forward from that night.
Bakugou hadn't paid attention to much of it. He was too busy thinking about Kirishima, what he would do now that this whole mess was over with. Should he still make time to see him? What excuses could he make to be around him? When they finally left the restaurant, all Bakugou wanted to do was get some sleep. It had been a long twenty six hours, after all.
He didn't know how he had managed to bike home, and he didn't remember falling into bed, but he remembered being woken up around noon to the sound of Mitsuki banging on his door.
Bakugou swallowed, remembering the note he had left, the one he had told Kirishima to give his parents.
It basically stated that he was dead and contained all the money he owed them for the bike repairs.
"Uh...April fools!" Bakugou shouted. "Spend the money on dinner. You deserve it."
He jumped out of bed, not having to slip into his shoes since he hadn't bothered to take them off when he got home. He had to go see Kirishima ASAP, to let him know that he was alive. It was all he cared about right now.
Was he terrified about where they would go from there? Absolutely. But did he want to give it a shot anyway? Completely.
And so, Katsuki had to make it good.
He started planning in his head, ways to confess. It was hard, though. He wasn't good at this romantic shit and he had always gagged when it came up in movies.
Kirishima wouldn't want a movie-worthy confession anyway. He would want Bakugou to be himself, even if it was awkward and if he couldn't get his point across without swearing.
"Where are you going, mister?" Mitsuki grabbed his ear as he walked out of his room.
Bakugou groaned. "None of your business."
"I'm going to ground you for this. Get back in your room."
"I'm twenty one. You can't ground me."
Mitsuki groaned, letting go of him. "Miserable brat." She muttered.
"Bitter Hag." Bakugou three back, slipping away from her and heading out of the house.
The bike ride to the shop felt longer than it needed to be. Bakugou spent it agonizing about seeing Kirishima again after that letter.
His was a lot more detailed than the one his parents got, and three times as long. He found himself hoping that Kirishima hadn't read it yet. If that was the case, there wouldn't be any explaining to do.
But, if he had read it, Bakugou would have to admit that he hadn't died and that everything in the note was a big lie.
He had another option, which was to never show up, to let Kirishima think he was still dead. Faking his death seemed to be preferable to confessing his love.
However, he reached the shop before he got the chance to ditch, and when he saw the flickering red and blue lights flashing from the parking lot, Bakugou knew one thing was sure.
He wasn't going to be confessing any time soon.

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