Chapter Sixteen

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The weekend had passed and I managed to avoid every single family member of the Powers. I transferred out of the classes I had with them and I avoided them during passing period and lunch time. It wasn't easy but I managed to make it happen. After I had left the Powers home, I had spent the weekend at dads house catching up a little. It wasn't like we spoke much about why he had left us or anything along the lines of his departure from us, mainly because his expression and demeanor would change as soon as I brought it up so I left it as is. We settled in talking about me. Dad wanted to know every little detail there was about me, every single thing he had missed. He wanted to know everything there was to know about Julie and Max. I was glad he wanted to know because that meant he cared about me, he care about Max and Julie.

When we weren't talking about us, he took me shopping even though I protested in buying anything, he insisted and it was really hard to say no when he pleaded. He wanted to spoil me like he hadn't done before.

I ignored all calls that came from mom, Max, Julie or even Jesse. I received plenty of those calls including some colorful voice mails and text messages from both Jesse and Max. I was glad none of them knew where dad lived because I was sure they would have been on his doorstep minutes after we left.

I had been memorized by dad's home. It was a two story house with gates in the front and a huge front yard along with a huge backyard. Two huge pillars in the front of the house. All in all the house looked beautiful. It was a house made for a huge family.

I didn't questioned dad on why he lived in such a huge house with only a couple of servants but he told me either way. He said he hoped one day I, along with Max and Julie, would one day stay. I didn't have it in my heart to tell him that would be a small chance at least with Max.

The weekend quickly came and soon it was Monday and I was now walking down the hallway to my last class. In the moment of ignoring the Powers, it seemed that I was being avoided as well by Max, Julie and Jesse. They were not happy with me and they were not afraid to show me how unhappy they were.

Jesse instead of sitting with me during English class, he sat on the other side of the classroom and chatted with some of the football team members not once sparing me a glance. Julie walked by me during our passing period but she didn't acknowledge me. Max however did look at me as he passed right after Julie but he gave me a stare filled with reproach and nothing but it.

I made it to the end of the hallway for my math class when I groaned inwardly as I saw Angelica leaning against the wall, arms crossed over her chest and her grey eyes narrowed and glaring right at me. She looked royally pissed off and all her anger directed at me.

She pushed herself off the wall as I began to walk slowly towards her. "Well you know how surprise I was when I came into my math class expecting to see you there and come to learn that you have switched all your classes around. When I tried to ask why I couldn't find you anywhere not even during lunch. Are you avoiding me?!" She accused angrily. I immediately felt guilty.

"I-I mean yes," her eyes widen hurt written all over her face. Immediately I felt horrible. "I mean No! I didn't mean that. I wasn't avoiding you!" I rushed out.

"What did I do?" She asked tentatively she looked like a puppy who had just been kicked. I felt horrible.

"Nothing. I wasn't trying to avoid you persay." That was a lie. I was avoiding her mainly because I was avoiding her older siblings and she was always around them. But I wasn't going to tell her that now.

Her eyebrow arched. "Then who?"

Sighing I rubbed my hand over my face. Angelica was the only one that seemed not to take my avoidness kindly. It accord to me that perhaps I wasn't the only one that was avoiding. Maybe my siblings and Jesse weren't the only one that were avoiding me as well. After all Angelica seemed to have found me what said that the others couldn't. "Your brothers."

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