i don't fucking know

22 1 5

Anima: ah shit- sorry this took so long to post-
Anima: anyway on to the asks!

Anima: ah shit- sorry this took so long to post-Anima: anyway on to the asks!

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Anima: PFFT-

Error: If anyone were to be sub it would be Ink!

Ink: *still tied to the tree* *protest noise*

Everyone except Ink and Error: *bursts out laughing*

El: Wow okay!

Blue: So you admit you can see yourselves as possibly being a couple!

Error: That is NOT WHAT I MEANT- *proceeds to glitch out quite a bit*

Ink: *face looks like a bag of skittles*

Ink: *face looks like a bag of skittles*

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Anima: my favorite meme is yeet. anything to do with yeet is my favorite.

Frisk: I like all memes I've seen so far, I can't really choose a favorite

Doo: Y E E T

El: If it's funny, I like it. So I like a bunch of memes. But my overall favorite is probably also anything to do with yeet, same as Anima and Doo.

*Ink is unavailable to answer*

Error: Idfk

Lust: That one guy that jumps down in the green body suit and says "I'm gay" is my favorite.

Blue: hE nEeDs SoMe MiLk

Dream: Uhhhh... honestly I have no idea.

Nightmare: Yo mama jokes are pretty funny, I like those.

Nightmare: Yo mama jokes are pretty funny, I like those

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Frisk: I don't really have a favorite. I like a lot of shows. Mettaton's show, I guess, if I had to pick one.

Doo: I don't really watch TV, but there's this one YouTube series I like called "Don't Flinch" by Team Edge. They're pretty funny!

Error: I just watch Undernovela.

Ink: I like The Joy of Painting. It may be kinda old but I still like it. Rest in peace Bob Ross.

Nightmare: I like CSI shows. I can't choose just one of them though.

Dream: I watch anime sometimes, not tons though.

Blue: My favorite is My Little Pony!

Lust: I actually have no idea. I never really get a chance to watch TV in my universe, I'm always too busy trying not to get raped to sit down and relax enough to actually watch whatever show is on.

Anima: Lust you poor bean... you need more hugs. *hugs Lust*

El: I'm joining the hugs. *also hugs Lust*

Lust: Aw thanks guys, but really I'm fine. I'm used to it...

El: That makes it wORSE-

Nightmare: What the actual fuck is with you guys-


Nightmare: Ooooook then I'm out. *walks away*

Frisk: Anima please calm down. You're going to make people think you're crazy.

Anima: well hey guess what I AM.

Frisk: You still need to calm down.

Anima: no thanks! *cartwheels away while screeching*

Error: Anima whAT THE FUCK-

*ten-minute time skip brought to you by Cross in a tutu*

Anima: welp

Anima: that happened

Anima: anyway feel free to leave an ask or a dare! next chapter will be a darepocalypse so please leave some dares! don't forget the shipping dares, hehehe... also, i'm still accepting requests for who i can invite to help cause chaos and discord! i need me some craziness! welp, bye!

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