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It had been a normal day. It was sunny, but not too hot and a small family had taken an impromptu trip to the park. The mother smiled down at her two children in pure adoration. Sure they were a handful, especially with them being twins, but she wouldn't trade them for the world.

The woman sat on a bench, a small smile on her face as she watched her children. The two were fraternal twins, a boy and a girl, but they looked exactly alike. It was scary sometimes how identical they were in everything but gender.

And so the woman sat, contentedly supervising her children, their shrieks of joy a welcome invasion to her ears. Everything was great, they were happy. Until they weren't.

There were shouts heard, and they were getting close. Before she could stand and run to her twins, the woman was knocked unconscious with a heavy object. One might say a brick, for example. The two twins, who were no older than six, screamed as they saw their mother hit the ground.

They began to run towards her, but all of a sudden they were surrounded by men in black. (Heh) The boy grabbed his sister and held her tightly. He was only approximately one hour older, but even at such a young age protective older brother mode was kicking in.

The men around them screamed 'danger' and the two could sense it. As the men got closer, the boy looked around desperately for an escape. When he found none, he panicked and broke out in a run, dragging his sister behind him. They had almost gotten past the group of men when he felt his sister's hand slip from his grip.

He turned around fast and was immediately met with the face of what he could only describe as a demon. A scream caught in his throat as his eyes drifted to his unconscious sister laying at the figures feet. His automatic reaction was to run to her. And so he did, well he tried to run to her.

His arm was grasped with an iron grip, one belonging to the demonic figure who'd stood in front of him. He struggled to release his arm, but to no avail. The demon's face held a smirk and the boy faltered, afraid. Before he could blink, the figure had pulled out a needle filled with a glowing blue liquid.

The boy's eyes widened and he began to struggle once again. Letting out a laugh, the figure stabbed the needle into the boy's neck. Panicking, the child tried desperately to pull the syringe from his neck but his arms were held down. However, even if he had pulled it out, the weird serum was already in his bloodstream.

His actions slowed and his eyes started to close. He tried to resist, but whatever had been in that needle slowed his reflexes. When he couldn't keep his eyes open anymore, he let them close and the last thing he heard before losing consciousness was "phase one complete."
When the boy woke, he found his mother staring down at him. He felt a sense of panic, but when he tried to remember why, he couldn't. All he remembered was going to the park with his mom and a girl around his age.

Reaching into his memories, he tried to recall how he knew the girl but he came up blank. She was there as far back as he could remember, but he didn't know who she was. He gave up on trying to identify the girl when he heard his mother say his name.

His eyes slowly drifted to her, he felt slightly sluggish and his movements were cautious. It was safe to say that she was just as confused as he was.

The woman stood looking at her son, a hole in her heart. She didn't know why she was feeling half empty, but she knew it had to have something to do with how she and her son had ended up in the hospital. Her heart hurt as she thought of the little girl and as she tried to recall who she was, her head began to pound,her vision blurred, and without warning she fainted.

The boy watched his mother's eyes grow unfocused and his eyebrows creased in alarm. Before he could ask if she was alright, she slumped to the floor, unconscious. The boy let out a gasp, frantically calling out for help. When someone finally arrived, the boy watched with an intense gaze as they brought a bed into the room for his mother.

As he watched over his mother, the boy made a vow to himself. Whatever had happened at the park couldn't have been good. He vowed to himself that he would find out what happened and even at the young age of six, he yearned for revenge. Whoever had done it, had hurt not only him, but his mother as well. Even as he laid drifting to sleep in his hospital bed, the boy was forgetting the girl. The memories of her were disappearing from the minds of him and his mother. Not only them, from everyone who had ever known her. The boy slept soundly, dreaming of a place where none of it had happened.

Hellloooo, I'm so excited for this book. For those of you who read my one shot book first of all I'm soooo sorry I'm kinda all over the place lately. Also I need to update it.... BUT this is a whole new story that's actually a whole story I'm sorry for any mistakes or cringiness don't be afraid to tell me (plz be nice I'm sensitive 😭) I hope you enjoyed the start of the story until later


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 01, 2019 ⏰

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