Running Late (Lindhardt X Reader)

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You were late for class as usual which was nothing out of the ordinary. However, while you were running towards the classroom, another person came up beside you.

"Running late again are we, y/n?" The green haired Lindhardt spoke breathlessly to you.

"And you Lin?" You retorted as the both of you continued bolting down the hallway. Feet pounding heavily against the church floor. 

By now, the both of you had gained a bit of attention of the passerby's but neither of you had the time to explain the situation. You had to get to class.

"What do you think the punishment will be this time?" The male asked, he tried his best to keep up but couldn't help falling a bit behind you. 

"Last time it was cleaning the stables, maybe they'll have us clean the bathrooms next!" Grabbing hold of a pillar, you used it to swing yourself around a corner and assumed Lindhardt would do the same thing. Though, soon after you found yourself running alone. 

"Lin! Are you okay?" You stopped as quickly as you could and spun around to find him panting heavily with his hand on his forehead. 

"I'm okay. It's nothing to worry about." He paused, putting his hands on his knees. You could see red blood streak down his forehead and drip onto the floor. The sight made your stomach drop.

"No, you're not alright! You're coming with me." Grabbing his hand, you began to pull him to the infirmary. 

"Y/n it's just a scrape." He reassured you but you were having none of it. 

You tapped him on the non-blood covered part of his forehead and grinned. "But this gives us an excuse to skip class." The male tilted his head and then laughed. 

"I'm not trying to avoid classes, I just slept in and was late as a result." He ran a hand through his seaweed green hair, looking at you in amusement.

You crossed your arms and pouted, "Fine then. Think of it as a reason why you were late to class so we don't get punished."

The male shrugged, "I ran into a pole while being late to class. Yes, I'm sure that would work. Anyway, lets go to the infirmary or we'll be even later to class." You could tell he was already growing tired of arguing with you so he cut you off from replying.

This time, Lindhardt was the one taking you by the hand. You realised how careful his grip was. You walked in silence, though it wasn't uncomfortable. The gap inbetween talking didn't have to be awkward, and it especially didn't feel that way with Lindhardt. 

In the back of your head, you felt the urge to wrap your arms around him. You wondered what it would feel like to rest your head against his chest, to lace your fingers around his silky hair. Those thoughts greatly disturbed you and caused you to stop mid walk.

Lindhardt instantly put the brakes on as well and looked at you in confusion. "What is it now?"

"I think I need to see the councillor...." You muttered to yourself.

The male groaned in great distress, "We can do that later, lets go to the infirmary first."

You didn't know what to do so you ran to the garden outside and hid behind a rose bush. There were other people here sat at their tables drinking tea. Most of the people there were sat in pairs which made you imagine more things of you and Lin having afternoon tea together and falling asleep underneath the leaves of a birch tree. 

You could smell the different floral scents too, the strongest being lavender which made you very sleepy indeed. 

Today was already messed up, may as well take a nap... You thought to yourself. Closing your eyes, you fell onto your side into a small pile of leaves that you used as a cushion. The warm sun kissed your cheek as if it was kissing you goodnight. You imagined being pulled into a warm embrace that was so vivid it could have been real.

Of course, no one was around to hug you. 

The nap you fell into was short but sweet as they say. A sweet nap about floating on the ocean as an otter, laying on your stomach as the water rocked you backwards and forwards. It wasn't until a piece of seaweed slapped you in the face did you wake up.

Opening your eyes, you found yourself staring into the deep blue pools of another's beautiful eyes. He was crouched in front of you almost like he was proposing, though his expression was more bored than excited above all else. 

"And here I thought I was the one who took naps in unusual places. Here, get up." He held out a hand which you pretended wasn't there. 

Looking up at him with a frown, you demanded, "Why did you follow me here?"

"I went to the infirmary to get patched up." He pointed to the rather larger band-aid on his forehead. "Then I went to search for you."

After his explanation, you brushed the leaves from your hair and peered over his shoulder to see that most of the other people had gone.

"Did it take long?" Becoming worried, your eyes darted up to the sky to see it was just as bright and lovely as always.  You became aware of the tweeting of the birds from a high up tree and the light breeze making the branches sway. Naps always made your senses more in tuned with nature and your surroundings. However, it made things worse when Lindhardt was mere centimetres from your face. You could almost reach out and touch him.

"Your skin looks so smooth." You said in a daze as you stroked his face, rubbing your thumb over his cheekbone and down to the side of his jaw. His lips parted slightly as if he was going to kiss you, he reached out with his hand... and flicked your nose.

"You're still half asleep."

Hissing, you fell back into the leaves and rolled over so your back was facing him.

"Honestly, what am I to do with a girl like you? I can't take care of someone who's more of a bother than I am." You could hear the helplessness in his voice as he complained about you. 

"We'll you're going to have to get used to it." You retorted, pulling a light pink rose down from the bush. Your fingers traced the delicate petals and lightly pressed it to your lips. 

"Oh, and why's that y/n?" Lin leaned down right beside your ear as he spoke which sent shivers down your spine and caused your entire body to go stiff. 

"I'm very curious indeed." He purred.

Letting go of the rose, you watched as it bounced up and down, finally becoming settled after a few seconds. You remained silent because you didn't know what to say.

This time, it felt so uncomfortable like you wanted to run away but Lindhardt had you cornered. It wasn't very difficult to corner you in this state of mind so he was completely the one to blame. It wasn't the nap's fault either...

"You're cruel to tease me like this." The male stroked your hair. Taking a couple strands, he placed it to his lips. His eyes slowly drifted up to meed yours as the cogs wheeling in your head to came to a sudden conclusion.

"Don't tell me, you've been coming late to class on purpose?" You gasped, eyes wide with the revelation.

Lindhardt raised an eyebrow, "You've only just realised? I've been doing many things on purpose. Though, I didn't expect to fall quite so heavily in love with you. I thought it was just puppy love at first, but my feeling only got stronger with each day." 

Your shocked expression turned into a warm smile, "Me too, I can't believe we've been trying to figure each other out for so long when we're both so similar." 

"Well then." He cleared his throat, readjusted his position and held out his hand. "Y/n will you go out with me?"

Without even wavering, you took his hand and replied. "Of course. Now let's get to class, shall we?"

The both of you stood up an couldn't even take one step before the bell rang, signalling that classes were over. A look of concern spread over Lin's face as you both accepted that today's punishment was going to be the worst it's ever been.

(So I may have been a bit tipsy while writing this chapter and I also finished it at 4 am so please excuse the errors and probably many things that don't make sense, I will be re-editing it after I wake up. As always, I would appreciate feedback on what would make the story/quality of writing better. Thank you very much for reading this story!)                

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