Fateful Day

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Rosalia's POV:

I closed my eyes as I immersed myself into my memories of that fateful day just a couple of weeks ago, my first day of high school. The first time I saw her. I can still remember the bustle of the busy cafeteria as all of the hungry students raced to get their food and seats next to their friends. Most of the tables were already 'assigned' to certain friend groups. 

Having to appear normal, I headed towards the lunch line, settling behind some chattering girls. Some tore themselves away from their conversations to glare at me, some out of jealousy, some just sensing that there was something wrong with me. Something that wasn't completely safe. 

I can't blame them for that. I offered a gentle smile, but they all turned away at that moment. That is when I smelled the strong scent of werewolf, enough to make me wrinkle my nose in disgust at all of the strong scents that were assaulting my senses at that very moment. I smelled something underneath all of that doggish smell, a pleasant aroma, almost smelling like it could have been perfume. That's what I decided it was. Perfume from one of the girls in front of me perhaps. 

At least they fit in... They had each other. The boys of the pack were pushing each other around and joking while the girls rolled their eyes and laughed. I noticed them tense and suddenly go rigid. I only had a split second to examine the pack before their eyes snapped towards me and I looked away, not wanting to draw attention to myself. Even now, I can remember the cold look in their eyes before they forced themselves to go back to the way they were acting before they noticed my presence, though it was a little stiffer this time. 

I suddenly felt a tap at my shoulder and smiled as I turned to look at the only other vampire from our coven that went to this school. My best friend, Liam. He was a rather goofy, but sometimes intense guy. He was a little better than me at managing his thirst, hence why he was allowed to be here. A wide smile slipped on my face as I forgot about the werewolves for the time being. "I thought you didn't get lunch until next hour?" I said as I pushed my tray towards the lunch lady who put a big blob of what I'm guessing was supposed to be lasagna on my plate.

Resisting the urge to wrinkle my nose, not wanting to offend, I started to move down the assembly line again. I heard his chuckle, that I noticed snapped the group of girls in front of us attention back to us. Also noticing the almost dreamy smiles on their face, I scowled slightly. So I was the only one they didn't like. They didn't hold the same opinion of Liam. But he had been going here since the beginning of the school year... I was snapped out of my thoughts as he replied to my question. "I managed to make the front office ladies change my schedule so you wouldn't have to sit alone." He beamed at me playfully as he winked. "With all of my charm, you know." 

Resisting the urge to roll my eyes, I nudged him with a scowl. "Yeah, well your 'charm' is making those girls look at you like a deer in the headlights." I replied cooly as I started to maneuver my way through the crowded lunchroom, stopping as Liam grabbed my arm and guided me to what must be his usual table. I moved after him, if my reflexes weren't as good thanks to my vampiric side, I would have been stumbling after him rather than striding gracefully across the room after him. Biting my lip to hold back a laugh of amusement, I saw the group of girls looking after me with jealous scowls. 

Seating myself, I glanced around the lunchroom again. Glancing towards the table where the wolf pack were sitting, I scanned the groups a little more carefully. After traveling over average looking faces, my gaze stopped on a girl that looked to have a Latina side. Her black hair flowed down her shoulders as she ate her food, laughing along with her group. Her eyes looked to have a silvery tint to them and I was captivated. Breathing in the air, I focused on that pleasant aroma again and finally after much consideration and doubt couldn't deny that it was coming from her. She was obviously a wolf, it just smelled like she actually took baths. 

A soft growl broke through my thoughts as I once again looked at Liam, who was glaring at the group, not even bothering to look for anybody interesting. He didn't even seem to notice the amazing scent in the air. "Wolves. I don't understand why they have to come to this school." He huffed as he turned back to look at me. "There has to be plenty more that they could go to." 

I nodded, pushing the image of that female wolf out of my mind. "I suppose they can come here because they blend in much easier. Humans don't seem to have as sensitive noses." I muttered as I absentmindedly plunged my fork into the congealed mush on my plate. Just picking at it, not daring to lift it to my mouth, though everybody else seemed to not have the same problem with the food as me and Liam. But I suppose they were probably used to it. And also, they aren't vampires. The thought wormed into my brain as I gave a wry smile. 

"I don't understand how they can't smell them. They reek." Liam responded with a wrinkled nose, his lip curling slightly in disgust. Leaning against the back of my chair, I glanced around. There would be class soon, and then I could leave behind the smell of werewolves, not to mention the distracting scent that lingered just beneath the surface. Shaking my head, I forced the thought of that smell out of my head as I waited patiently for lunch to be over. Than just a couple of classes and I could go home and forget all about the scent and that Latina girl who I noticed, with an amused smile, was snapping at one of the males that tried to take her food off of her plate. Stabbing at his hand with her fork as he went back in, her silver eyes blazing with anger though there was a small playful hint behind them. 

"Helllooooo. Earth to Rosalia!" A hand came into my view as it waved in front of my face. I tore my attention back to Liam, looking at his amused expression as he gave an almost cheeky smile at my obviously distracted demeanor. "Don't worry. The werewolves can't do anything to us. Other than making the whole room stink like them. We have a treaty after all with them. We ignore them, they ignore us." I realized he must have mistaken my curiosity as me being worried and I just gave a small reassured smile. 

Chuckling softly, I pushed my tray away from me. "Thanks, that's just what I needed to hear. " I said as I gently rested my head on his shoulder. We had always had that kind of bond. It was almost like we were siblings, even though I knew that from the outside it would appear like something more. But that didn't really bother me. It isn't like there was anybody I cared about getting the wrong idea. For the rest of lunch, I sat next to him, my head barely leaving his shoulder as I talked about my day, shaking my head as I explained about a teacher that acted as if I didn't know anything. I think he honestly might have been sexist, as he seemed to treat most of the girls that way.

Well... all except for one. From what I remember, her name was Tanya, and she seemed to have him wrapped around her finger. Though I deduced that they were probably fucking after class. As they seemed to have that kind of sexual tension between them. My stomach clenched at the thought, shaking my head in slight disgust. 

But then the bell rang and that thought was pushed far from my mind. I stood up, grinning up at Liam playfully as he offered his arm. "Do you need to be escorted to class, M'lady?" He asked with a wide grin. Chuckling, I accepted the offer with a slightly embarrassed nod as I noticed everybody looking in our direction as he led me out of the room. 

Moving gracefully down the hall, we arrived at my next class. I bid him a happy farewell as I entered. My feet stopping as I smelled that intoxicating aroma again. My stomach dropped as I looked over and saw that werewolf girl sitting at the front of the class. Her gaze darted towards me for a moment as she obviously smelled me too. She scanned me for a moment before she pulled her gaze back to the board. 

Somebody help me...  

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