my neighbor is standing on his front lawn, staring at my house.

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He's still there, staring at my bedroom window. I don't understand what he's doing

His name is Thomas.

Thomas is a not a nice man. He's a bastard who should have died years ago, but he's never acted like this before. God, what's he doing? Just staring, dead silent

His wife, where the fuck is she?

Hold on, I see her. She's coming down, with that cane. Going to give him a smack, i hope.

She didn't.

She's on my lawn now. Staring. Staring at my house

They're not talking. They don't look angry. I don't think they even noticed each other. A few minutes later, their daughter Anna came down to stare.

Anna is blind.

I'm watching the whole family from my living room window. Little Tommy, the evening newspaper kid, was cycling down the street. Now, he took one look at my house, and stopped He's standing on the street, right now.

All my neighbors are slowly getting out of their houses. Little children, old men, a mother with a stroller. Cars are stopping in the middle of the road so their occupants can press their face against the glass and gawk at my house.

Old miss Agie, who can't walk, opened her bedroom window's curtains , and I can see her silhouette looming there. Hands on the glass.

They're not safe there.

A murder of crows is gathering on the electric lines. They're pecking at my neighbor's faces. Chewing on flesh.

Three of them cornered a rat. It sat there while they tore in. The rat's eyes did not move from the windows while it was being eaten.

One of them got into the baby stroller. A few seconds later, it came out with something red in its beak. The mother did nothing.

It's been hours.

They're all still staring.

It's getting dark now. They're still standing there, so silent. Like they're dead or something. Are they even breathing?

The crows are gone. Even they are scared.

So many people now, on their front lawns and the streets. Just staring at my house. At my bedroom window.

I hear things coming from upstairs. Something moving. Someone talking. Breathing. Hundreds of people breathing.

My eyes have been stuck looking at the ceiling for so long.

It took hours to write , because i cant look away from the ceiling. Only seconds.

Just now, I heard the upstairs door open. Something is moving around up there. Something with too many legs.

I can smell dead bodies now.

I know there's a dead body up there. It has to be a dead body. Hundreds of dead bodies all crawling together.

Oh God

The plaster in my ceiling cracked. It gave way to a small hole. Something crawled out of it.

A long black finger. It twisted and curled.

It was beckoning me to come upstairs

Everyone started moving. They started walking to my house. I could hear something laughing from my house.

I'm going to go upstairs now. I need to see what's up there

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