Part TwentyTwo

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Once I got home, I spent all my time with my dad. He leaves in two hours. To Paris. Yep. He's leaving the country. Cool.

I haven't stopped thinking about my visit with Alissa. I think Ethan and Grayson noticed something was up, but I passed it off saying I was thinking about my dad.

He packed and loaded his car while I was at school, so we don't have to waste our time together later to mess with that.

Since I got home, my dad and I went shopping and went out for dinner and Olive Garden. I tried to say no, but my dad bought me some stuff. I feel bad for him paying all that money on me but he insisted, and I do kinda really love what I got.

He bought be a Bluetooth speaker, a MacBook, and AirPods. I literally begged him not to buy me all of this stuff, but he told me I deserved it. For what, I have no clue. Don't ask me.

It's now seven o'clock meaning he leaves for the airport in an hour. Now, me and my dad are cuddling on the couch, watching a movie. I know most people think watching a movie is the last thing you should do when your about to say goodbye to someone, but we're not saying goodbye. We're saying 'I'll see you soon.'

"Promise me something?" My dad asked. I rested my head on his shoulder, while looking at him. I hummed in response and he continued. "Promise me to make up with Ethan?"

I was shocked he said that. I did not tell him me and Ethan weren't talking. Well, that was until we fixed everything. I raised my head off his shoulder. "What do you mean?"

He let out a chuckle. "I'm not stupid, Y/n. I can tell something is up. You two are usually inseparable, but all I could see when I've been home was you two farther apart from each other. Whatever the reason is, just wake up and smell the roses. You need him in your life, just as much as he needs you."

"We did fix things, dad. But I guess we, or more so I, need time I guess. Yes, we're hanging out and doing stuff like we used to, but I won't 100% feel the same until time has passed." I put my head back on his shoulder, and felt a kiss on top of my head.


It's now five minutes to eight. The time my dad leaves, and the time where I never want to let go of him, but I have too.

"Ok, Y/n. Call me if you need anything. Or if anything happens. But still call and text me everyday. I love you pumpkin."

I gave my dad a done crushing hug. Both of us squeezing hard, and not letting go.

"I love you too, dad." I tear slipped my eye, but I quickly caught it and let go of my dad. He gave me what felt like an hour long kiss of the forehead.

"I'll be back on time for your birthday." He said.

"I'm counting on you for that." I said with a very weak smile.

We hugged each other one last time, before he left. I watched his car drive off, as tears fell freely from my eyes. I closed them tightly, and properly sat down on the couch, rather than kneeling on it.

There was a knock on a door, so I quickly wiped every tear, and blinked only a thousand times, hoping to look like I wasn't crying.

I finally opened the door to see Ethan leaning on the side of the door. Without saying anything, he crushed me into a hug, and rubbed my back. I didn't want to, but somehow I was left sobbing in his chest while he rocked up side to side slightly.


It's now ten thirty. I already knew I wouldn't be able to go to school tomorrow, so I didn't bother going to bed at the time I usually force myself to. I'm not a morning person, so I try to go to bed early, but not too early.

Without asking, Ethan volunteered to stay home with me. I stopped crying by now. Only minutes after I first started to cry, Ethan carried me and made me sit on his lap. He didn't say anything until I calmed down.

Right now, we're checking out at Target. We decided to have a movie night, like we used to. But we needed snacks to go with it.

"You know I have money too, right?" I asked Ethan who was persistent on paying for all snacks.

"That's cool." He said as he inserted his credit card in the chip thingy. I rolled my eyes and laughed. Ethan looked over at me with the biggest smile on his face. "I missed that laugh."

My cheeks got red fast. We grabbed the two bags and walked out. As we were crossing to the car, I saw an familiar car driving up to us fast.

I know that car anywhere. That's David's car. I would see that car wherever I was, and sometimes even my house.

He was driving right up, and was about to hit Ethan. But I quickly pushed him to the side, and felt everything in slow motion. Feeling the car under me move, as I fell to the ground. I heard Ethan scream my name, but that was a quiet sound as everything went black.

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