chapter two

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- ❝ you actually brought a nerf gun with you? ❞

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- ❝ you actually brought a nerf gun with you? ❞

isabelle looks towards the open door of her bedroom whenever she heard a faint knock coming from the front door and she had a feeling it was kj. she picked her phone up and went to kj's contact since she wasn't planning on touching the ground anytime soon knowing that spider was still roaming her apartment freely.

( fake red head )

princess belle👸

you can use the key I gave you to open the door. don't expect me to come answer it anytime soon.🤷‍♀️

prince keniti james🤴
let me guess, you haven't moved
from your bed since the first
time you saw the spider?

princess belle👸
😑 are you coming
inside or not keniti?

prince keniti james🤴
okay, okay. jeez, you need to calm down

isabelle soon heard the sound of the front door opening and closing so she and her phone on the bed besides her.

footsteps started to grow closer and soon kj appeared with a nerf gun in his right hand. isabelle couldn't help but let out a laugh at seeing it. " you actually brought a nerf gun with you?"

kj nodded. " uh yeah. I wasn't kidding. now, where's the spider? i'm ready to shoot this thing." he grinned and held the nerf gun like an actual gun.

isabelle bit the flesh of her lower lip and sat her phone down beside her on her bed she was on. " I, uh. I actually don't really know. but, I know it's somewhere in the apartment. " she sent kj a sheepish smile as he stared at her with an annoyed look.

" seriously? you could've at least kept track of where it was. it's almost 3 am. i'm gonna have to search your whole apartment to find this spider." he grumbled, suddenly not so energetic as he was when he arrived just seconds ago, realizing what he was going to have to do.

the red haired female smiled at him. " better get moving, buddy."

kj pointed the nurf gun at her. " you better be glad that I love you. I don't do this for anybody." and with that he started walking down the hallway, searching for the spider as isabelle froze, realizing what he just said.

her heartbeat sounded so loud that she thought people from hawaii could hear it. kj, her best friend, has just said he loves her. did he actually mean it though? or was just it something you say to your friend? in a non - romantic way? part of her was hoping it was in the romantic way but if it was it would make things awkward between them.

isabelle's friends always tease her about her crush on kj. she has had it for a long time now and she hadn't confessed to him yet. believe her, she wants to tell him so badly but she has been so afraid and worried if she told him she would ruin the great friendship they have and she doesn't want to ruin what they have with each other.

her's and kj's friendship is very important to her. kj has always been there for her in her hardest times and always cheered her up.

she just wished that she had enough courage to tell kj. maybe if she did get it off of her chest, maybe even if he doesn't like her back they could still be friends and maybe things wouldn't be awkward even though she had a feeling that things would be awkward.

picking her phone up, she started scrolling on instagram, and after what felt like an hour she heard footsteps heading towards the direction of her room and felt her bed bounce and looked over realizing that kj had just plopped on her bed on his stomach, letting the nurf gun fall to the ground.

" okay, the stupid spider is dead. it took me an hour to find it but I did. now it's dead and all I want to do is sleep." he said but it sounded muffled since he was face first on her bed.

isabelle just smiled and reached forward, running her hand through his soft fake red-colored hair, something she often did to calm him or soothe him and sometimes it has started to be a habit for her to run her hands through his hair and he didn't seem to mind it either.

" my hero." she joked even though she actually meant it since she was deathly afraid of spiders.

" can I stay here tonight-well, today?" kj corrected himself realizing that it was around 3 am already. isabelle nodded, not really knowing why she nodded since kj wasn't looking at her.

" yeah, of course. you're always welcomed here. I gave you a key here for a reason and eating all my food in my fridge is not the reason." isabelle told him.

as kj looked up at her she moved her hand away. " that was one time!" he whined and she giggled.

isabelle finally gets off of her bed, her legs feeling numb after being in the same place for so long. " I think you left some of your clothes here the last time you stayed over."

she walks over to her closet and found a red sleep shirt and flannel pajama bottoms of his he left there then walked back over to kj to see he moved positions, now sitting on the edge of her bed.

he smiled and took his clothes from her hand. " thanks. I'm gonna go change." kj stood up and then walked out of her room.

getting back under her covers after putting the nerf gun on her desk, she lays her phone back on her nightstand and glances at her alarm clock seeing it was exactly 3 o'clock.

looking back towards the door as kj arrives back to her room dressed in the pajamas of his she found and had his clothes he was wearing earlier folded in his hands isabelle smiled.
" you can just lay your clothes on my desk. or wherever, I don't care."

after setting his clothes down he climbed into the bed next to her and sighed in content as his head hit her pillow.

" killing that spider really wore you out that much?" isabelle turns to lay on her side, facing kj who was still laying on his back.

he rolls his eyes. " yes, don't judge. remember, I did it for you."

she chuckles. " that's true. thanks for doing that. you know how much I hate spiders. it means a lot to me that you would come to my apartment at 2 in the morning to kill a spider." she smiles at him.

kj lays on his right side, now facing her and he smiles back at her. " I would do anything for you, izzy."

she felt her face heat up and she smiled shyly. " yeah, I know. but really, thank you for coming over. not a lot of people would do that."

he shrugs his shoulders as if it wasn't that big of a deal. " you're welcome."

" goodnight, izzy." he says after a moment of comforting silence between them.

isabelle smiles. " goodnight, kj."

A / N izzy and kj are friendship goals. that's all I gotta say

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⏰ Last updated: May 02, 2020 ⏰

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