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Sometimes we create our own world to escape and while we're gone you get caught in a daze. Lately I've been escaping to my own world to avoid my reality of pain and heartbreak. Eventually you have no choice but to return to the real world you were trying to escape and in my situation I sometimes wish the world I created was my reality.

You may be thinking to yourself...why don't I leave and find better? Maybe I did and I'm afraid to do so again. Am I foolish? You can say that I am, but I find myself to be preparing for my role, established by a vow and said in a binding contract. For better or for worse and indeed worse is what I'm facing, but there is a chance for better if I allow it.

Relationships are tricky, especially when you're young, and even when you're old their isn't any promise that you figure things out. This just only gives a reason to work things out. Am I making excuses? For someone who has inflicted emotional and physical wounds on me? For forgiving them too easily? Do I give second chances? Have I even forgave them for what they did? Or do I walk out the door and be done with it?

I am in love. I was in love. I am scared. I was happy. I am confused. I don't know what to do. Am I naive? Do I push for better things?

I escape my reality to my daydreams. I get trapped in my daydreams trying to escape my reality. I think of my situation over and over, and then I'm awaken to my current nightmare.

Deep breaths. Inhale, exhale.

It's time to snap out my daydream. It's time to face my new reality.


Ahh this chapter is short. Better is to come.

I'm still developing my cast. Any idea of who made the list?

Let's hope Sahara figures things out.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Aug 13, 2019 ⏰

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