chapter 4

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I went to my tent I started packing my backpack I wanted to explore the area and if I get lost at least i enough to survive

I pit the bag under my bed hiding it so nobody could stop me

Bellamy came into my tent

"Clarke I am so sorry I just lost control of myself '

You almost killed me I said not knowing what to say'

I know I am sorry I just couldn't it but I want to thank you , you saved O's life and sacrificed yourself

I forgive you Bellamy you trusted me when the light was drawing close you protect who you love and are their for you .

He brushed my lips

Goodnight Clarke

Bye Bellamy

I woke up at 6 in the morning the sun was beginning to rid from the horizon

I waited until people had changed shift and ran out

"Where you going Clarke" I heard a familiar voice

I turned round Bellamy

I want to explore and live my life with my sketchbook I said

We need you her Clarke you cannot turn your back on us he was now shouting

What about us he whispered

I'm sorry Bellamy I said tears streaming Down my face I ran out the camp

After a couple of minutes of running I slowed down to a walk

Tears were blurring my vision

I walked for a long while before picking some berries I climbed a tree so I was half way up it was a big branch I was out of sight for now I slept their for a night

I climbed Down when I woke

I seen a body with brown hair I ran to it

It was Octavia she hugged me

Clarke are you taking me back to camp

No Octavia I ran away

I don't want to go back to camp just yet  she whispered

Come on I have berries here she took them

I am so hungry she was saying

I took her to the bunker where me and Finn found

This place is amazing

Theirs spare clothes ,blankets ,pencils

Octavia found some clothes I am going to change she said

She came out with a dress on

Wow that's beautiful O I said

it was a long sleeved Navy blur tight dress it cut before the knees

I took out a pencil and a sketchbook

I drew Octavia before she went to get dressed I soon added colour and tone

I lit some candles so I could find a blanket  I gave one to Octavia I hadn't planned on how long we will stay down here

Falling for you was easyTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon