TPF : 1

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The weather outside entered through the cracks of the window, making the bathroom colder than it should've been. Today is December third and it's the start of Nadia's favorite season of the year, winter. Though this was her favorite season and she had no other reason but to be happy, she was at a crossroads. She was stuck upstairs throwing up the contents of her stomach instead of drinking eggnog and helping put up the Christmas tree with her family.

Nadia is your typical eighteen year old girl, except one little flaw,
she's pregnant.

She stood up from the cold tile floor and walked over to the sink. She brushed her teeth and rinsed her mouth out before looking into the mirror, looking over her reflection. She was gorgeous but you could tell the pregnancy was literally draining her. Her skin was clear but the bags under her eyes and redness surrounding it tell you a completely different story.

She was usually a very happy and bubble person , though others seemed to despise her because of it . Her reflection in the mirror is how she was sure everyone viewed her . Whether it had been the rumors, or the bullying . No matter what she always stood tall, with her shoulders back . Shed never let anyone know they were getting to her.

"Nadia ?" A deep voice called, followed by knocking. "Yeah dad ?" She pulled her hair back into a low ponytail just before opening the door to reveal her father, standing at least a foot taller than her.
"How're you feeling ? Do you need anything ?" He asked. Her father may have ultimately been pissed when he found out she was pregnant but afterwards became putty in her hands, who unlike her mother always made of known that she was upset and disappointed . She was daddy's little girl. The two had always been close to one another, because her mother always acted like she wanted to not be involved.

"I'm alright, I think after we put up the tree I'm gonna head to bed for a while." He looked her over and slowly nodded his head. "Are you sure you don't just wanna go lie down now ?" He asked. She'd made a promise to her little sister to help. She shook her head no and slowly leaned against him as they made their way down the steps.
Once she reached the bottom, seeing her little sister helping her mother put it up. She held onto her fathers arm until she got to the couch, deciding she wanted to sit for a while. Once she sat down she slowly rested her eyes.

An hour later, she was starting to wake up from her nap and the smell of food had filled the air. She laid there for a few moments, trying to fully wake up.

"She has to go," she heard. It was obviously her mom. She didn't make any sudden movements to get up wanting to hear what they're talking about. "What do you mean, she has to go ?" Her father said. "I mean she can't stay in my damn house Joe. Now, we've done all we can for her and how does she repay us ? By getting pregnant." She scoffed. Annie never really liked Nadia, ever since she was brought home. Nadia never knew why.

"I won't have some whore living in my house leeching off of me." She raised her voice. "Keep it down! She is in there asleep." He rolled his eyes at his oblivious wife. Was she serious right now ? Serious about kicking her own daughter to the curb while she was pregnant and had nowhere to go ? Was she that heartless..?

The answer to that was yes, at least when it comes to Nadia.

"I don't care where she is and I don't care if she hears me. She has to go." She said through clenched teeth.

Nadia slowly sat up on the couch and peered over her shoulder into the kitchen. "I heard you loud and clear Annie." Her voice came out raspy since she had just woken up. Her mom stopped what she was doing as soon as she heard her name and her eyes quickly darted to where Nadia was sitting. "See, she even called me by my first name, disrespectful child." Nadia laughed at her comment, "I'll be out of your hair as soon as possible." She didn't say anything, just rolled her eyes. She stood up from the sofa having the minimum amount of trouble as she walked upstairs to her bedroom. She grabbed her phone off of the bedside table and texted her older brother, "can you talk ?" Within an instant he was calling her phone and she was answering.

The Perfect FlowerTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang