Telling Everyone

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*skip to when Nicole is 3 1/2 months pregnant*

Nicole's p.o.v.

Today is the day, Shane and I decided to start telling people that we are expecting a baby! We first decided to get both of our parents to come over to the house for dinner and tell them with gifts.

*skip to after dinner*

We were all sitting around the dinner table when I spoke up and said, "Shane and I want to give you guys presents." My dad looked at me confused and said, "What is going on?" I shook my head and I got up along with Shane so we could grab the gifts. I grabbed the one for my parents and he grabbed the one for his. "Okay on the count of 3 open you presents. 1...2...3 open them!" We waited to see who would get it first and it was Shane's mom Linda. Linda screamed and said, "Oh my gosh! We are going to be grandparents again?!??!" Shane nodded then my dad looked at his gift which was a picture frame with the ultrasound in it and it said, 'The best parents get promoted to grandparents.'  Then he said, "So whens the wedding?" I looked at him confused and said, "Shane hasn't asked and first of all just because I'm pregnant doesn't mean I have to go and get married before the baby arrives." My dad shook his head, got up, and said, "Okay I guess you are right. Today is different from when I was growing up." I smiled and hugged him.

*skip to telling Stephanie and Paul*

Shane's p.o.v.

Nicole and I got Paul and Steph gifts to which are shirts that say, 'Promoted to Uncle' and 'Promoted to Aunt'. Nicole was super excited to tell Steph because they are close and she knew that Steph wanted to be an aunt so bad. 

I knocked on my sister's front door and waited a few seconds and Aurora my oldest niece answered the door. "Hi uncle Shane! Hi Nicole! Come on in. My mom and dad are in their office." Nicole and I walked up to their shared office and I knocked on the open door and said, "Do you guys have to for your favorite people?" They both looked up and smiled. Steph said, "What are you guys doing here?" So Nicole responded with, "We wanted to give you a present. Both of you." We handed the gifts over to them and they tore open the paper and Paul said, "No fucking way! Nikki your pregnant?" Nicole nodded and Steph got up and hugged Nicole while Paul gave me a "bro" shake. 

"How far along are you?" Steph asked. Nicole sat down and said, "I am of this day 3 1/2 months. " "Oh that is so cool." Steph said. then Paul said, "I am happy for you guys! How do plan on telling the whole WWE team?" Nicole shrugged and said, "I haven't even thought about that." I rubbed her back and said, "Once you start showing more that's when we can decided on how to tell them." Nicole nodded then we were off back home.

*5 months pregnant*

Nicole's p.o.v.

I am starting to show a lot more. So now I have to figure out how Shane and I are going to tell the whole WWE team. I walked down to Shane's office and walked in and said, "I'm showing?! Should we get the whole team to do a sit down?" He looked up at me, saw my bump, smiled, and said, "Yeah we can do that. I'll call and make sure that everyone hears that we want to meet up. When do you want to do this?" I looked at him and said, "How about when I am six months pregnant?" He nodded and made a phone call.

*6 months pregnant*

We were standing in front of everyone on the SmackDown team. Shane started of by telling them that he appreciates them taking time out of their busy schedules and that I will be telling them what is up. I smiled and step up in front of everyone and say, "Thank you guys for being here. Shane and I wanted to tell you that I will not be around in a couple months and then some after that because...Well we are having a baby!" Everyone cheered and congratulated us on the new member and hugged us. 

I am so glad that everyone that needs know now knows and that soon the whole world will know that Shane McMahon and Nicole Austin are having a baby together.

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