A Nightmare

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It was a long day of defending the kingdom when the tired and beaten trio made their way through the doors of the small home.

"Dude, that was insane.." Badgerclops said taking off his gear and slowly walking towards the kitchen.

"I agree, it was very exciting! Very invigorating!!" Mao Mao shouted.

"Now let's get ready for bed, a good night's rest is a must after such a long day." Mao Mao started walking towards the bed room when suddenly;

"Mao Mao!!!" Adorabat screeched

Everyone in the house perked up at her cry, turning toward her. Mao Mao crouched to get down to her level. 

"Adorabat, what's the matter?"

The small bat simply started to tug on the hero's cape and started to whimper.

"Y-your back, Mao Mao!"

Hearing the soft cries of his deputy, Badgerclops walked over and pulled the cape off of Mao Mao's back.

"Dude! You've got a huge cut back here! Hold on, lemme get the first aid kit." He said. Usually cuts and bruises were a natural part of fighting monsters but, Badgerclops hadn't seen one that deep in a while. Mao Mao pulled his cape back on and sat back on the couch, his wound bleeding through his cape.

"Mao Mao?" Adorabat questioned. "Aren't you hurting?"

Mao Mao looked down at his little deputy and smiled. He patted the seat next to him, and Adorabat quickly jumped up to join him.

"You see, Adorabat, true heroes learn how to take pain in great amounts and keep standing! That's how I didn't notice."

Adorabat looked questionably at the cat, but ultimately accepted that answer.

"Wow!! That's so cool how you can take a beating and still get back up!!! You're incredible Mao Mao!!" She beamed. He was her hero after all! The amazing feats she had witnessed solidified that thought to her. However, something felt off.

"Got it! Mao, lemme see the cut again." Badgerclops walked over and hastily pulled the blood stained cloth from his partner's back.

"Jeez, you gotta learn to be more careful, bro." He slowly began pouring alcohol on a cloth, he placed the soaked rag on Mao Mao's back.

Seeing the gruesome cut again worried Adorabat. How could he not notice? How did it not hurt him? Badgerclops had gotten hurt before but, he always made it known and wounds as nasty as these were usually far and in between. Mao Mao was less careful though, his rambunctious and eager attitude was what made him so unpredictable. That exact reason is what caused this accident.

“Hey, Adorabat.” Badgerclops said. The small bat snapped out of her thoughts and replied quickly. 


“Mao Mao is gonna be ok man, no need to worry!” The injured cat chimed in as well.

“Exactly, my little deputy. It’s late. You can head to bed now, you worked hard today!”  Mao Mao patted the top of Adorabat’s head. She happily accepted the gratification, pushing her face into his palm. 

“Ok, Mao Mao, goodnight.” Pulling her small body off of the couch and flew to the bunk beds in the small room they shared. Adorabat calmly flipped upside down and wrapped her small wings around her body. Today was a long fight, things passed by in her head. Still, the thought, the image of Mao Mao. The scar it’s going to become. As she drifted to sleep, the battle began to play again in her mind. A large monstrous beast hovered above the team. It had jaws that could crush cars, eyes that burned like cinders when it so much as glanced in your direction.  Mao Mao rushed it, and at full force, struck the beast. Next, Badgerclops began running around shooting at the creature from all directions. Adorabat made quick work herself as she ushered away the villagers. Making sure that they were out of harm's way. Suddenly, she heard a scream. A blood curdling cry of anguish. Adorabat turned around and saw a small figure falling from the monsters maw. It fell to the ground with a cracking noise that rang in her ears. 

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