uhhh who are you??

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(Y/n) woke up to the sound of pots and pans you just thought Anna was cooking food so. You slowly walk downstairs the sound of two people talking scared you you slowly walk back upstairs and and Crale under the bed you watch as big worker boots enter the room  walk around the room

"I don't think anyone lives here Quinton"

"Well we don't know that this place gives me the creeps"

You let out a quiet whimper which got there attention (fuck fuck fuck) you cover you're mouth

" did you hear that? "

"Yeah where was that coming from?? "

One them them Crouch down and look under the bed

"Holy shit"


"There's a girl"

You move back under the bed they both looked at you

"Why is she here in the middle of the Woods?"

"Umm miss do you live here"

You nod still under the bed you stay quiet until you can vome out

"Hey it's ok why don't you come out"

You slowly crawl out from the bed and sit on the ground you look up at them as they are talking

"C-can y-you l-leave"

"Miss we want to make sure you are ok are you hurt in any way?"

"N-no but you need to leave my girlfriend is coming back soon and she does not like people coming in to are home"

"Ok ok we'll leave but if you need any help we'll be in a tent by the river"


You watch as the two men leave you sit back on the couch and closes you're eyes (I never got there names all I know is that one of them is named Quinton )

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