52 | Hunted (Book 3)

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The battle of the Belle Morte has been fought and won,but with enemy   vampires having escaped to the city, the fight is not over.  Pressure from human authorities is mounting and the future of vampire kind hangs in the balance. The escapees must be brought to justice -and fast .

For ludovic De Vauban,one of Belle morte's most reclusive vampires,this is the perfect opportunity to confront his fears about the world beyond the Mansion's walls. But he can't do this alone.

Roux Hayes knows she's the girl for the job. Accomplished liar, quick thinker, and modern human, she can help ludovic navigate a world that has long since left him behind.

Ludovic thinks he doesn't need help, Roux doesn't care.

As they work together to preserve a future for their friends,they discover a mutual passion that neither of them expected. But the shadow of their enemies stretches longer than they ever imagined .

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