a promise

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"What is it that you wanted to talk about?" Sujeong asked Taehyung, who was fidgeting restlessly beside her. 

It took him long enough to answer her question. Sujeong's mom's words had been replaying in his mind since the talk they had shared together this morning.


"Are you planning on settling down with Sujeong?" Mrs. Kim blurted out of nowhere and made Taehyung to be in a state of blankness. He never thought that she would be asking such a question to him. 

Mrs Kim chuckles as she saw him speechless. "I'm just asking, son. Don't need to be that shocked. It's just that as a mother, I wanted to see my daughters got married before I get any older than now. Any mother would have that wish for their daughters; to see them in beautiful white dress walking down the aisle. To see them stood beside a reliable man; that we know can take care of our dear daughters for the rest of their life."

She patted his shoulder, "You don't have to feel burden by my question, Taehyung-ssi. If you guys are destined to be together, be it thousand of years, I believe the string of fate will tie you two together."

Taehyung just smiled to Mrs Kim, still not uttering a word to her as she stood and walked away right after the last word she said.

'Marriage, huh? Will I be ever be ready for it?' he shifted his view to his feet which were dangling just a bit above the ground.

'Does Sujeong wanted to get married? I never thought about it..' he thought hard if both of them had ever talked about settling down before. It seems like they never got into such topic when they were together.

'We're fine like this, aren't we?' he stared at Sujeong, who was talking with Suyeon in the kitchen. Without him knowing, he's smiling as he thought about sharing a place called home together with her. A home where every nook contains traces of Sujeong and himself.

But, it's a norm to not get married nowadays, right? Many of his friends are like that; living together without having a commitment.

'But, what if she wanted it? Will I lose her if I kept her waiting?' 

Do I want to lose her?

After all these years?

Can I bear of not being with her in the future?

. . . . .

//end of flashback//

 After a few moments of contemplation, Taehyung let out a deep sigh and finally turned to face her. He stared at the blank faced Sujeong, who was patiently waiting for his words. 

"Sujeong-ah.." he carefully grabbed her hands and locked his eyes with hers. "We've known each other for quite a while now, aren't we? We've learnt everything there is to know about each other. You've been there since I was still struggling and learning how to grow up to who I am now."

Sujeong listened to every single words he said, not breaking her eyes from his.

"And it was all thanks to you, for being there to support me from falling apart when I was in my worst condition.. for being the best companion that I could ever asked for. And I would never trade you for anything else in this world. That's how invaluable you are to me"

Taehyung took the strands of hair that fell onto her face, which was hindering him from viewing her beautiful eyes and tucked it behind her ears. As his view has been cleared, he smiled. He smiled as he saw how beautiful she was  with the sunset's glow showering onto her face.

I Don't Love You // Taejeong // Jangjeong ffWhere stories live. Discover now