Signing While Sleeping

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Clint is known for signing in his sleep. Like using sign language. At first, only Natasha knew this fact because she had accidentally entered the wrong bedroom one night to see him signing furiously. She had taken a video of him and translated everything in a monotone voice and posted it on social media.

Next morning, Clint didn't know why everyone was looking at him and laughing quietly.

This continued for months. The fan favorites of the signing while sleeping was 'the dog is fighting the pinãta on the roof' and 'one night I accidentally fucked Tony', which made said man start a prank war and targeted Clint the whole time.

Yeah, Clint never knew about this.

Every night Natasha would go into his room by the door and record a video. It was about 3 months of this happening until Clint finally found out.

He was scrolling through YouTube one night and saw a video called 'Hawkeye Sleep-Signing Compilation'. He was curious so he clicked it and his eyes widened in horror. The others on the living room snarfed and chuckled while Clint had his mouth open and taped at the screen.

"Nat, how could you?"

"I can do anything I want." She smirked mischievously.

Then Clint saw the one that said 'one night I accidentally fucked Tony' and burst out laughing.

"So that's why you started the prank war!"

Tony didn't answer. When Clint turned around he found him signing at him:

Fuck you.

Needless to say Clint became one of the Maori popular people on the internet and he never forgot to remind Tony of the time he signed in him sleep about him.

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