Chapter 8: Teleportation

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Teleportation: the ability to teleport from one place to another.

Josh grabs every book he can carry on birds of prey while Tiana searches for anything on teleportation and dark energy. Not to either of their surprise, there's not much credible sources on what she looks for.

They find out what kind of wings they have. Based on the coloring and shape of their wings, Josh's are harpy eagle wings, while Tiana's are from a peregrine falcon.

"That explains the wings, but not the night vision, teeth and claws," Tiana says, showing her hands. "It's like I'm a cat or something."

"So, you're a cat and I'm an owl," Josh shrugs.

"Let's hope not. That'd be weird."

She finds an article from NASA on dark energy, but it doesn't give them much insight on why it clings to her the way it does. Even then, after about an hour of running around the library, a thin layer of darkness covers her, wafting off her like steam.

Josh finds a thin book from a scientist that used to work at VESSEL Industries titled The Future Of Alchemy: Giving Time And Space A Physical Form. "What'd you get this one for?"

"I thought it was interesting. Plus, it touches on teleportation being a subcategory of spatial manipulation. I couldn't find anything on dark energy or shadows, but it does say time manipulation could branch into the very essence of the universe, such as energy."

"You can't really be suggesting that the machine in there was trying to place time and space and turn it into a physical object," he says.

Tiana looks up with a sly grin. "Page 54, paragraph 3, 'alchemy can be the key to giving humans the ability to not only control time and space, but potentially have the ability to meddle with life and death itself. All four of these elements play a large part in the creation of our universe. With these elements at our disposal, the human race could theoretically fix any problem we've created ourselves, such as pollution, climate control, and even issues beyond our control, like the inevitable death of our sun and solar system as a whole.'"

Josh narrows his eyes at her. "There's no way that's a direct quote."

"Check for yourself," she says smugly.

He does. "I hate your brain."

"Love you too, querido."

He flips through the book, recognizing the design of the instrument meant to materialize time and space. It looks identical to the same machine they came across in the abandoned building.

"Tati. See anything familiar?"

Tiana looks over from across the table as Josh spins the book upside down. "Oh, shit, is that the same thing we saw at VESSEL?"

"Looks like it." Josh glances at the name of the author. Brendon Urie. One of the casualties, if he remembers correctly. "I think one of the surviving scientist might've taken this guy's work and tried to make this machine a reality."

"What did he call it?" She asks.

"Uh..." he turns the book around again. "The Philosopher's Stone."

"Like from Harry Potter?"

"Like from the actual guy, Nikolas Flamel. He was an alchemist back in the 1300's I think. A lot of people think he actually created this philosopher's stone, which had the power to turn lead into gold, prolong life, give life to inanimate objects, and even bring people back from the dead."

Tiana leans back in her seat. "So, that machine is supposed to make a version of the Philosopher's Stone that allowed the user to manipulate space, time, and death. Lovely."

"I mean, it didn't work, though, right?" Josh gestures to the book. "You can't manipulate time and space with a rock, it has to be more complicated than that."

He can see the lightbulb appear over her head. "It was. It was more complicated than that. That's why it didn't work."

"How do you mean?"

"You could probably control time with a rock because as far as we know it's a strict, controlled force. You can't fiddle with it without creating branches of doomed timelines, paradoxes, time loops, the whole nine yards. Time can be messy, but in most cases it needs order."

Josh nods, slowly understanding. "While space is always changing, it can be twisted into whatever the user desires, with rules that are meant to be broken. It's the definition of chaos. Like Palkia."

"Exactly like Palkia." She smacks the table, causing someone behind them to shush her. "So, how do you contain a strict linear element and one that has no spatial limitations?"

"You don't. It would need a vessel that's malleable but strong enough to contain such a concentrated force of energy."

"Like... a human body." Tiana scoots her chair out and stands, gesturing at her body. "Time." She points at Josh. "Space."

Josh scoffs. "No. No way. No way in hell, to be precise."

"Come on, I'm just trying to come up with a good enough reason." She plops back down into her seat, pouting. "It's the only theory we've got so far that makes any sense."

"That's not even a theory, Tia, it's barely a hypothesis. I mean, physical manifestations of time and space? In two fifteen year old kids? That's ridiculous."

"Barry Batson was fourteen when he became Shazam."

"Barry Batson is a fictional character!"

"So? Is Chimera fictional? You saw him back there, Josh, he's real. He can make this explode with his hands. What's the harm of thinking maybe we have something special too?"

Josh sighs, unable to put what he's feeling into words. How does he tell her that he's scared of Alley Cat coming after them, trying to kill them for the power that may or may not be flowing through their veins? How can he say that he doesn't want to end up like those folks at VESSEL, trying to control something that was never meant to be controlled?

All he can do is send Tiana a look trying to portray all his fears and anxieties, hoping she can see everything he doesn't know how to say.

Her determined glare softens, and she places her head on the table, making a grabbing motion for his hand. He takes her hand in his, resting his face on his arm.

"It's going to be okay, Josh," she says. "Everything is okay. Whether or not I'm right, it won't change the fact that we're in this together. I'm not letting you go, you got that?"

Josh smiles. "I know. I'm just... freaked out."

"That's okay, I am too. But we'll figure this out. We always do."

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