To Love and To Hold

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The palms of his hands were a little sweaty and shaky as he finished putting on his bowtie. He wasn't sure if the shakiness was because he was about to take a big step in his life, or if it was because he was beginning to second guess himself. Alfonse was known for not particularly caring for a married life, he always thought of it like an anchor that would forbid him from travelling abroad and doing the research that he loved to do so much.

But with Liz, it was much different. She shared his passion for travell almost as much as he did and was willing to travel the world with him, he just had to say the word. She changed his life for the better and had even helped mend the broken bond that he had with his family. She had done all these things for him and yet, he wondered if he did anything that could compare. Of course, she'd say that he had and would put his mind at ease, but right now, the knot in his stomach was making him think otherwise, despite knowing the answer.

"Getting nervous?"

A hand suddenly rested on his shoulder and right away he knew who it was..

"It's a rather big day, father."

Walter laughed and gave his shoulder a pat. "It is. I know how nervous this kind of thing can be, but let me tell you, the moment you see your future wife walking down the aisle, the only thing you'll be feeling is absolute happiness, all of your worries will be gone."

Alfonse found himself relaxing a little bit more at hearing his father's words and he smiled.

"Well, I should be off now. We'll all see you there at the venue in a little bit."

Walter left the room Alfonse was in, with a smile and a few minutes later, a couple of new faces had entered the room. Both of them were smiling, Elias in particular who was practically beaming from ear to ear.

"What are you two doing here? I thought you guys would already be at the venue by now."

"We wanted to come and see you. Plus, father practically pushed us into the room." Elias spoke up before walking over to where Alfonse was. "I can't believe the day has come where I get to see my big brother get married."

"I think it's a shock to everyone, huh?"

"Not really, at least not for us. We can see just how much you love Liz, we could tell that at some point it was bound to happen. But I don't think we expected it to happen so soon."

"Truth be told, neither did I. But here we are, four and half years later."

"It's worth it though, right?"


Elias smiled and then took a glance at his pocket watch.

"It's almost time, we should probably head off as well. We'll see you in a little bit." Elias turned to walk out the door but looked back briefly. "Klaus?"

"You go on ahead, I'll be there shortly."


Elias left and Klaus took a few steps closer to where Alfonse was. His arms were folded over his chest, as he looked at him. Alfonse directed his gaze downwards, he had a feeling he knew what he was going to say already..

"Klaus, if this is abou-"

Holding his hand up, Klaus cut off Alfonse and began to speak.

"Alfonse, this isn't about Elaine. I know that this is much different from back then. She was an arranged marriage, you weren't ready and because of that you became overwhelmed. I know that. I also know that with Liz, you truly do love her, it's why I wanted to tell you that I'm happy for both you and Liz. I know you'll treat her right and I know that you two will be happy and that's what matters most."


"I should head out soon myself. But I wanted to tell you this before you left as well."

With that, Klaus spun on his heel and left the room, leaving Alfonse to stand in the empty room once more. He touched his reflection in the mirror, knowing that he was ready to say his vows. The ride to the venue was almost unbearable, it wasn't because it was a long drive, but rather it was because he just couldn't wait to see Liz walk down the aisle.

Upon his arrival, there was already a rather large amount of people sitting down, waiting for the wedding to start. Among those people stood out a whole couple of rows. In them were their friends from the Academy and family members, they all gave him a smile as he walked up to take his place at the front, right by the minister. It was an outside venue, with lights, ribbons and Aruenaristy flowers scattered about. A beautiful view of the lake complimented the venue and gave it a peaceful yet romantic atmosphere. Everything was how he envisioned it to be, but there was something, well rather someone, that was missing.

But it was all going to be complete very shortly. A pianist and violinist began to play a slow, beautiful tune, while the guests began to stand up from their seats and direct their attention towards the outdoor wedding doorway. The once closed doors now slowly opened to reveal Liz, who looked like a princess in her wedding attire. Her arms were now linked with her future father-in-law, who had offered to walk her down the aisle as she had no one else to do so with her. A smile on both of their faces showed just how much happiness was being had on such a momentous day.

When Liz made her way to Alfonse, Walter unlinked arms and went over to take his place by his wife; Marrisa and Elias and Klaus. Alfonse could feel his heart begin to beat as held onto Liz's hands. Her face was covered up by her veil, yet he could see that her eyes held a glossy shine to them, as if she had been crying. He gave her a tender smile and tried to fight back his own tears, especially when the minister told everyone to take their seats so they could begin.

"Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to unite these two, who share a strong bond of love, through holy matrimony. Now, please take the rings you've brought today."

Alfonse did as he was told and he and Liz each took a ring, before the minister continued.

"Now, Alfonse, I want you to repeat after me. 'With this ring, I ask you to be mine, to have and to hold for the rest of our lives until death do us part.'"

"With this ring, I ask you to be mine, to have and to hold for the rest of our lives, until death do us part." After speaking, he gently slid the ring onto Liz's finger with a smile.

"Now Liz, I want you to do the same."

"With this ring, I ask you to be mine, to have and to hold for the rest of our lives until death do us part." Both Liz's voice and hand were shaky as she slid the ring on Alfonse's finger.

"If anyone has any objections to this marriage, speak now or forever hold your peace."

The room went silent and the minister smiled at the two of them.

"I now pronounce you husband and wife, you may now kiss the bride."

Lifting up the veil, Alfonse could clearly see the trail of tears that were falling from Liz's cheeks, but there was a big smile on both of their faces as they leaned in to seal their marriage with a kiss. The entire area stood up and applauded the newlyweds who now walked down the aisle, hand in hand, ready to begin the newest chapter of their lives.

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