What the first night at home with your baby/babies include

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- When you both were able to bring your sons home you were happy

- After you put your sons to bed you both decided to get some sleep

- A couple of hours later however you both were woken up by your sons who were crying

- He ended up bringing both of your sons to your bedroom so that you could feed them

- Once your sons were fed and changed he took them back to the nursery

- Both of your sons slept for the rest of the night


- After the doctor said that you both could finally go home you were extremely happy

- Before bed you fed and changed your son

- After you both went to bed he cuddled with you

- You woke up in the middle of the night because your son hadn't woken up yet

- But when you went into the nursery and checked to see if your son was still alive you were relieved that he was alive

- When you went back to bed you instantly fell asleep

- Both of you were thankful that your son was a heavy sleeper


- Once you both were able to take your twins home you were happy

- But that night however your son started wailing at about three in the morning

- Your daughter was somehow able to sleep despite her brother's loud crying

- He ended up waking up and bringing your son into your shared bedroom so that you were able to feed him

- Once your son was fed and changed he took him back to the nursery

- A couple of hours later your son woke up again


- Both of you were extremely happy when you were able to bring your babies home

- You both decided to co sleep with your babies for the first month

- That night however all four of your babies woke up at the exact same time when they were hungry

- Since you only had two breasts you were only able to feed two of your babies at the same time

- He however changed them when they were ready after you fed them

- They thankfully fell asleep quickly after being charged


- He was so exited when you both could finally bring your daughters home

- But that night both of your daughters started crying at the top of their lungs

- He couldn't believe how loud they were

- They thankfully settled down as soon as you fed and changed them

- He almost fainted when he tried to change one of your daughters

- You both had to wake up every two hours to feed and change your daughters


- When you both finally were able to bring your daughters home you used a breast pump to get some of your milk and put it in the refrigerator for later

- That night you had to get up when your daughters started crying

- He however stayed in bed

- You weren't happy that you had to feed and change your daughters on your own

- After your daughters went back to sleep you made him get up the next time they woke up


- You both were so happy when you finally got to bring your daughter home

- Once you both put your daughter to bed you went to cuddle and sleep in your shared bed

- An hour later your daughter started crying but when you both went to the nursery she fell asleep as soon as she saw you and him look at her

- You realized that your daughter only wanted attention

- The second time she got up that night he woke up to go feed her, thankfully you had put some of your breast milk in the refrigerator so all he had to do was warm it up

- He ended up waking up and taking care of your daughter every time she woke up


- He was super happy when you both were able to bring all three of your sons home

- That night however two of your sons started crying loudly at midnight while the third slept peacefully

- You both got up together each time two of your sons woke up

- You had to do the feeding and the changing. He just burped your sons

- Your third son however was a heavy sleeper and slept the entire night


- Once the doctor said that you were healthy enough to go home you were relieved

- You both were so happy when you finally brought all four of your sons home

- That night however all four of your sons would wake up at random times

- You both would wake up whenever you heard one of your sons crying

- Half of the time your sons only wanted attention

- By morning you both were exhausted


- When you both brought your son and daughters home he instantly started showing them around the house

- That night when your babies woke up you both got up to feed them

- While you were feeding both of your daughters while he bottle fed your son

- When he tried to change your son he took one look and bolted out of the nursery

- For the rest of the night when your babies woke up he helped you feed them but he refused to change them

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