Imma knock that bitch out 🅿️

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Fast forward to the next day~
I woke up and Chris wasn't here So I  texted him and he said his mom told him to go to the bus stop so I said ok and I got in the shower and did my morning routine for the day the and walked to Eisha house cause no one was at my house Debo and Eisha were there waiting for me so I told Eisha to take my picture

Fast forward to the next day~I woke up and Chris wasn't here So I  texted him and he said his mom told him to go to the bus stop so I said ok and I got in the shower and did my morning routine for the day the and walked to Eisha house cause no one...

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Caption> I keep watch and I see the shit you do

Liked my Chris_gone_crazy Ayo.Eisha The0nly Yoni and 23,678 others

Ayo.Eisha bestie

Chris_gone_crazy What happened who you talking  about

Fast forward to the bus stop~

Me Eisha and Debo meet Chris at the bus stop but I seee him kissing another girl so I walk right pass him and heard him say hey baby but I got on the bus and started crying then Eisha and Debo sat Next to me on the bus and asked what happened I told them I seen Chris kissing the one person that never liked me since 5th grade Laila. Then Eisha said oh baby that hoe doesn't know who she messing with and the inner ghetto in me about to come out and with you cause after school baby she gone know who we is trust and believe that for sho so baby wipe your pretty eyes and get up cause we at school now


I was at the bus stop and a girl named Laila walked up to me and kissed me and my stupid ass thinking she was Kalila kissed her back.Then I seen Kaila walking to the bus stop and I said hey baby but she just walkes right passed me and said nothing I think she heard me and just walked passed me and got on the bus.

We got to school and it was the first day and I found out I had all my classes with Chris and 2 with Laila amd all my classes had Eisha Debo and Chris happily and sadly I told Eisha and Debo and we all said yeah the Eisha come on let's go to class.

Fast forward to after school~

Eisha~I ran up to Lai and told her that she needed to stay away from Kaila or else then she said or else what and I slapped that bitch so hard I know her mama felt it too.

I seen Eisha run ip to Laii and slapped her so hard I knew she was hurting so I ran up to Eisha pulled her back took,my bookbag off tied my hair up started beeting that bitch up.I seen her nose bleeding and her eye was black the someone pulled me off her and pulled me back kissed me and I did it back looked up and seen it was Chris so I said why then ran up to Laii and dragged her by her hair and told her to stay away from Chris and then she ran off leaving blood everywhere. Then Chris Eisha and Debo told me to come on so I did and I told everybody else to stop recording me unless they want they one too.

Fast forward to Eisha house~
I get to Eisha house went straight to the bathroom looked at myself and went to my house and changed my outfit and told my lil brother to take my picture

Fast forward to Eisha house~I get to Eisha house went straight to the bathroom looked at myself and went to my house and changed my outfit and told my lil brother to take my picture

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Look at what you could've had but I guess you didn't want it

Liked by Chris_gone_crazy,Ayo.Eisha The0nly yoni and 456,986 others

Ayo.Eisha:Baby fine

Chris_gone_crazy I'm sorry it wasn't my fault

Famous_Debo Bestfriend fse

After I went to my house I got on Instagram and Chris was live so I joined and he said what actually happened saying how laii walked up to him and kissed him just to get back at me for taking her pencil to use it in 5th grade. So I got off and checked Instagram again and his live ended so I just watched a movie untill something came up that was fun or someone came over. 2 minutes later Chris came to my door knocked on it and I said come in so he came in say down next to me and told me what happened so I said promise me next time it's time for school you come to my house. So he said I promise and and asked if we could start over and I said yes then we both went upstairs to my room and layed down and watched a scary movie then I screamed and went under the cover and Chris say baby it's ok im here and it's just a movie so I said is it over he said yes then I syayed under the cover then we went under and said boo and I laughed then we both stared at each other for a minute then we both kissed out of no where then he picked me up and took my shirt off then I took his shirt off then we kissed again and I took his pants off and he took mine off and started kissing me down from my neck to my stomach then he started to eat me out and I let out a moan.Then he picked me up and sat me on his lap then I took his boxers off and started sucking him down. Then he let out a groan then he hit me from the back and I let out a bigger moan then he said baby im going to cum then he did but I didn't know then we stopped. He was then like baby wasn't that good I just laughed then we both went to bed.

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